The new dataslate Tyranid Invasion: Rising Leviathan II is now available in both ebook and interactive ipad. This gives us a total of 10 formations for Tyranids, and really helps break the no allies rules for Tyranids, with a lot of flexibility for creating lists for the tabletop. …
Changes Found in Finecast Resin
There seems to be a change in the resin for Finecast models, as evidenced by the pics sent in. A reader sent these in of his new Legion of the Damned models, and they appear to be a Forgeworld resin at first glance. Anyone else on the receiving end of this resin? …
No Helbrutes in Warhammer Visions (March)
I was told last night that there is no Helbrutes in the upcoming Warhammer Visions magazine. That could very well mean that the pics are from an April edition, or from something else. Really hard to tell at the moment, but the magazine really is only a few hours from being released, and is probably…
Imperial Knight Codex Advanced Orders are Live

Pre-orders are now up for Codex: Imperial Knights. Its sitting at $41 USD as rumored, along side the Imperial Knight Companion for $74.25 and the Limited Edition codex at $115. There looks to be some cool artwork in the limited edition and can't wait to see the cover of the codex a little larger. …
Warhammer Fantasy 9th Edition June, DE Bolt Throwers and Slayers Incoming

A possible date for Warhammer Fantasy 9th edition along with mention of a couple new models incoming. Slayers will be a welcome addition, as it was felt by some that these were recently missed, and who doesnt like Dark Elves. …
New Policies and Moderator

February is often a slow month, and there are some policies here on Faeit 21 that are changing. Some have already occured and some are in progress, and some will just happen. …
Imperial Knight Shipping and Helbrutes with Other Kits to Follow
The idea that white boxes coming with Imperial Knight kits apparently has roused up some of people. Of course, I care less for the drama of a White Box, and just want to pick up my models. So here is a explanation that gets to the heart of the what is going on with the White Boxes for the Imperial …
Helbrutes Advanced Orders on March 8th
The new Helbrutes seen in leaks a week ago still have a lot of Chaos Marine fans watching the web for any sign of a release date for new models. There are even rumored new Chosen, Havocs, and possibly even a new supplement. …
Tyranids Getting 5 New Formations
With the last dataslate that giving us 5 new formations for Tyranids, the second, Tyranid Invasion - Rising Leviathan II is giving us another 5 dataslates. Following this line of releases and the fact that we know that there is Rising Leviathan III coming, that will be a total of 15 formations for …
Imperial Knight Box Supply Issues

While it seems that there are some issues this time around for getting Imperial Knights to your local game stores, apparently there is another issue. Fully printed boxes are apparently gone, and many of the Imperial Knights (which appears to be exceeding expectations), will arrive in White Box kits…
Imperial Knight Delays and Limitations

I have received notice from several people that there will be a limited quantity of Imperial Knights reaching stores for release day. While I am trying to see if there are more confirmations on this, it would seem that it may be local to the eastern U.S. at this point according to below. …
Calling Luke Skywalker!

Hey everyone, Reecius here from Frontline Gaming to talk about a topic that is on a lot of people's mind these days: Deathstars in the game and their impact. …
Cyberpunk Studios Kickstarter: Last Few Days
There is one thing I like to find on occasion, and thats new music that fits the futuristic battlefields of the games I play. From Dropzone Commander to Warhammer 40k finding new music like Jack Trammell is a ton of fun. Now there is another set of music that is being put out by Strangelette in her…
Codex Imperial Knight Details: Questions Answered

Just wow, here are the details of the Imperial Knight codex and will answer a lot of the questions that everyone is asking. Things like, who can ally, warlord traits, mechanicum entries if any, and more. …
Talisman Digital Edition
Talisman the Digital Edition is now live and we have the release trailer here from Nomad Games to check out. While I haven't yet taken the plunge for this yet, it is on my list to check out. The best part is that it's only $14.99. …
New Mechanicum Models Immediate Release

We saw these pictures floating around, and now its official. Forgeworld is releasing the Mechanicum Myrmidon Destructors. Very cool models, who's rules can be found in The Horus Heresy book 2. …
Imperial Knights in White Dwarf #5
Want to get a good idea what is in the next White Dwarf about the Imperial Knights? Here is an advanced rundown. …
Chaos Knights and More
Already Forgeworld has mentioned on their facebook page that they will not say anything about their plans with Imperial Knights until Saturday. Of course this rumor today mentions that Forgeworld will be taking on the one thing that many people are hoping comes soon, a Chaos Knight. …
Faeit 212 BlogExchange: Blogs From Around the World

Once again its a full house here on the Faeit 212 BlogExchange, and even some overflow that will be spotlighted here on the next BlogExchange post. …
Cover of the Codex Imperial Knights Revealed
There are now pics of the codex cover out and about, along with a description of what the Imperial Knights Companion is. Its basically a very in depth background and heraldry about the Knight Houses. …
Myrmadon Destructors Pic
The Mechanicum has a new model coming out that was discovered somewhere on the Forgeworld site. Myrmadon Destructors are probably coming later this week, and these are very cool looking models. …
Leaked Forgeworld Pics
These images were leaked yesterday, and it just took a while for them to reach everyone online. The pics are of a Thallax carrying a new weapon, a new Realms of Battle Board, and some painted plague Zombies or chaos cultists. …
Forgeworld Issues and Changes

A couple readers have mentioned issues with registering with Forgeworld in order to purchase models. It could very well be nothing, but there have been rumors that there are changes coming to allow Forgeworld models to be bought through GW stores, and that a new website will be launched here very s…
1st Week of March Release: Imperial Knight Codex
Codex Imperial Knight is coming for pre-orders starting March 1st, with a release of March 8th. So take a look at the releases coming up, and get excited, as this is going to be a crazy weekend with this codex going live for pre-orders. …
Who Can Ally with Imperial Knights? Answers
I was not expecting this, but a reader here emailed in to GW customer service and got a reply on who can take Imperial Knights as allies. The answer was any 40k army...... …
Mechanicum T-Shirts and Teaser Pic From Forgeworld
Forgeworld today on their blog #6 today decided to give show us a Mechanicum T-shirt and a teaser pic. I call it crazy timing that we have had just too many hints of something Mechanicum coming, and all of a sudden they want to show us a t-shirt. I dont believe in coincidences. Something coming? …
An Encounter with the Shaltari

Its one of those odd things with as much Dropzone Commander I get in, that I have somehow missed games or opponents that play Shaltari. Well no longer, as a friend of mine picked up 3k points of Shaltari and came over to test his new army out. …
Omnissiah be Praise
The Back of this weeks White Dwarf is Incoming Data of a binary message This is the message 01001111 01101101 01101110 01101001 01110011 01110011 01101001 01100001 01101000 00100000 01100010 01100101 00100000 01110000 01110010 01100001 01101001 01110011 01100101 00100001 …
Legion of Damned as a Primary Detachment
It appears that a couple things have been discussed about the new Legion of the Damned codex that is coming out digitally next weekend. According to Eddie over on GW Facebook, you can take the Legion of the Damned a primary detachment, and they will come with thier own warlord traits. …
Imperial Knight Rules Clarification
Some huge rules clarifications were given today by Jes Bickham on the GW Digital Facebook site that apparently were left out of the White Dwarf release. So No, these are not Lords of War, are scoring units, and if played as part of your primary detachment, pick one to be your warlord. …
May Valhalla Coming Up Fast
I just realized this morning that I had not started figuring out what I am taking to Valhalla this year. While my Dark Eldar are mostly ready to go, I may bring the Inquisition and or my Imperial Guard this year. Definitely throwing me into a panic this morning as I am sorting models, making lists,…
Prioritizing the Demand for Forgeworld Products
Soon we are going to be seeing Forgeworld products available to be ordered at Games Workshop stores. This will make the models much easier to get, and is sure to increase the demand for them. The question comes up though, what happens when supply does not equal the demand, and who gets priority ove…
Helbrutes, Imperial Knights, and a Lock Down on Rumors
There was a lot of pre-orders going live this weekend for Warhammer 40k, in fact it felt like several months of releases all jammed into a single week for March 1st releases. In order to get a grasp on what went on, here is a round up of all the rumors and news that happened this week. …
Dreadball Xtreme Starts

Mantic is one tabletop game company that has caught my eye in recent months simply because you can often buy their games in entirety in a larger box set. This allows for things like a game night of fun for friends that come over, sit down, choose a faction and get some games in that night. Deadzone…
Tyranid Invasion - Rising Leviathan II is Live
The second dataslate for Tyranids is now available for pre-orders, and already we can see the direction of it with the first of the formations given as a sample preview. This dataslate has a release date of March 1st. …
Imperial Knights and Sentinels of Terra are Live.

Imperial Knights are now live for the ordering. They are massive 8" tall and come in two builds off the Knight kit; the Knight Errant and the Knight Paladin. Alongside the Imperial Knight, the print version of Sentinels of Terra also is up for pre-orders today. Its a big day for Warhammer 40k. …
Dreadclaw Drop Pod and Tyranid Twin-Linked Devourers

Forgeworld newsletter 388 is out and the Dreadclaw Drop Pod and Tyranid Twin-Linked Devourers are now available from Forgeworld for pre-orders. The old Dreadclaws had vanished a few months back, and its good to see more of them coming back. …
Black Library Big Announcement Pending Mechanicum Approval!!!!
Something big is on the way, and the Black Library is on it, as changes to the website appearance and more are being implemented. Definitely something to check out as past rumors are starting to unveil themselves. …
Legion of the Damned Codex Pre-Orders are Up!!!
Legion of the Damned is now up for digital pre-orders as of a few minutes back. It appears to be a digital only release at the moment, and of course I have the links below that you can check out the preview images of this mini-dex. …
Pics of an Imperial Knight Model Partially Built
There is a fantastic look at a Knight model that someone took while making it. It gives us a good look at the components of the Knight model and base. There are also some other pics by following the link. …
Its Official, The Imperial Knights are Here

The cover of the White Dwarf was released today on a White Dwarf Daily post, showing off the new Imperial Titan that we have seen in the leaks at one point or another. These are going to be very popular models, and while I know I will be getting one at some point, once the codex comes out I may be …
Imperial Knights, New Web Site, and Pre-Order Changes
Tonight we have a rumor set looking at the box kit for the Imperial Knight, which is on a 90mm x 120mm flying base, some information on the new website coming, and changes to pre-orders. …
Chaos Space Marines: A Look Ahead and Back
With the revelation of the new Helbrute model leak, we are now looking at back at what was said for Chaos Space Marines about a month ago. It was a hot topic, and with new box sets and a new supplement. …
Leaked! New Helbrute Model Pics

We are now seeing leaked images of a new Helbrute model that is making the waves, all around the net. Of course they come from 4chan, but these look legit. Could this be the rumored release of Chosen models, as well as a new supplement with Veteran upgrades? …
Daemon Knights of Slaanesh: A Look at Epic
During the Horus Heresy there was a House on the World of Molech that fell to Chaos before the might of Horus. These knights in the background are called the Daemon Knights of Slaanesh and had their own models. It seems likely that these could be coming in the near future. Even though I doubt but s…
More WD Imperial Knight Leaks, Freeblades Next White Dwarf

It seems like White Dwarf is very much being leaked page by page now on 4chan, Bols Lounge, and Bolter and Chainsword. In it are background, decal transfer pics (which look like they are part of the Imperial Knight kit and sold separately), and a hint which I have only seen on 4chan for next week's…
Mechanicum Army in Our Future for 40k
Its curious that we are seeing a lot of Adeptus Mechanicus models and now bundles from Forgeworld. We know that they are already available, but today, a few days before Imperial Knights are going to go live with pre-orders, we get some nice bundles from Forgeworld. It literally would not take much …
Hidden in Plain Sight: Imperial Guard Kit

OK, I have spent the last little bit pouring over pics of any recent release I have and not found it. Supposedly its there somewhere, and I figured that the readers here might help find the rumored image of a new Imperial Guard kit "hidden in plain sight." Sound like a Fun Challenge? Here is what I…
Rumor Lock Down Resulting From Imperial Knight Leaks.
The Imperial Knight leaks have upset someone, and it looks like the rumor lockdown is once again in full effect. This of course makes information much harder to come by, but we have all been through this before. …
Imperial Knights and Transfer Sheet Details
Tonight we are getting a few more details about the Imperial Knights and the decal transfer sheet. It was a surprise that there is a decal transfer sheet for $20, and a lot of talk on whether this will be worth picking up alongside your Imperial Knight. So lets take a look at what we have learned. …