The Latest on the new Warhammer Fantasy army book, Vampire Counts. This book is due to be released shortly and the information keeps rolli...
The Latest on the new Warhammer Fantasy army book, Vampire Counts. This book is due to be released shortly and the information keeps rolli...
This morning we are looking at the current rumors for what is expected to be the biggest releases of 2012, Chaos Legions. If Chaos Legio...
Many rumors place the Tau Empire next, or shortly after a Black Templar release. I enjoy new races, and seeing a new one added into the ...
There has been long standing rumors that the Imperial Guard will be getting another release, bringing along with it Hydra Flak tanks and...
A rumor that originates from the Throne of Skulls in Las Vegas has said that the rumor lockdown is due to one thing; The Hobbit. We ha...
The year is at its final moments, and what we are looking at are three, possibly four codices for 2012 (I got the plural version right f...
Here is the Games Day Exclusive model for 2012. It was revealed in the latest White Dwarf and is a model taken straight from John Blanch...
Here is some of the information gleaned from the pages of the latest White Dwarf. New units and some of the new rules for the jaw droppi...
This week for the pics of the week, I am concentrating on Chaos Marines. It is by far the next codex that I will play. I am already exci...
Chosen Chaos Space Marines are one of my favorite units when it come down to the current Chaos Codex. Now they were simply veterans from...
Vampire Counts are the next army book to be released January 14th, and Wow do they look amazing. Games Workshop once again releases anot...
Free downloadable wallpaper from the Black Library just in time for Christmas. Check these out, and get your own here. http://www.blac...
I hope everyone has a great Christmas, so here are a few 40k Christmas pics of various models in the theme of the day to help celebrate. ...
This is a master piece by Jon Sullivan. I have posted up some of the concept artwork as well as the commentary on just how much goes int...
Well, a few years back, one of the best big screen movies came to end as the final extended version of the Lord of the Rings trilogy wa...
Sometimes seeing someone else's models are nothnig but pure inspiration. This is the case here, as his models are nothing short of a...
An early Christmas present from Forgeworld, as they reveal images of what was a christmas jigsaw (small close up images for those that w...
There has been talk of a new mystery vehicle for Space Marines and although the information is mostly non-existent, its time to jump in ...
Here is more in response to Stickmonkeys release schedule. These rumors are from Straightsilver and has some contradictions in it. In ...
Here is a release schedule like nothing we have been hearing but from another confident source. It makes Tau the next codex, and I can h...
This week we get to look at some Tau. Tau artwork really is rather hard to find, but here is the latest pics of the week showing just th...
A little information sifting down towards us this morning with regarding Tau Crisis and Battle Suits. Tau are said to be in proof readin...
Here we go, some more specific Chaos Legions, including cult terminator shoulder pads coming soon. This is something I really hope that ...
We are in the Christmas season with the new year right around the corner now. There is a lot going on everywhere, and getting games in h...
Yesterday we talked about the backfield and the fire support for this list. This morning its about the rest of the army. If you need to ...
Yesterday I posted a list, and had a couple emails asking how to field it. Long time readers will have a jump on this, so lets get down ...
Those Craftworld Eldar are still one of those armies that many people aspire to. This has always been my goal, one day, to be good enoug...
Its been a long time since I have thrown up a list on the blog, so with all the email requests I have been working on lately with reader...
There are a few misc thing floating around about a new allied race for the Tau. The rumors state that these units will not be available ...
Todays rumor set comes at us discussing Traitor Guard, Chaos Legions, and Renegades. For awhile now we have been seeing rumors of a Legi...
More on the Tau front. A Clarification actually. Lets take a quick look at this new bit on the Tau rumor front.
Here is a surprise release from Forgeworld. Imperial Armour 11: Dooom of Mymeara is now available. Check this out.....
This week we have a fantastic spotlight for an artist that has several 40k pieces. Just check out his work and follow the link below to ...
Here it is, the complete "I don't have to search through endless posts" Dark Eldar Tactica. Now even though this was writt...
This small rumor is huge and is quite a shocker for me. I started playing in 3rd edition, so hearing rumors that take people back to 2nd...
This morning we have a good set of Tau rumors, that confirm a few things we heard quite some time ago about them. The HQ unlocks troops ...
You asked for it, I figured I would post it. Here is the battle for the rumor mill involving Ghost21 and via Aaron Dembski-Bowden. I wil...
This morning an ugly rumor popped its head up, the rumor of a new race in 2012. While I am not giving this any credence at all, its alwa...
The Black Templar are looking more like our next codex with the amount of rumors coming through. One rumor even puts the release date on...
This weeks collection are from a single collection I had found sitting on a forum a few weeks back. Pics of the Week happen every...
Eldar are something I am sure that many people are waiting for any word on, so this little gem appeared. The highlight in my book is the...
This week we have two very interesting blogs to add to the exchange. One dedicated to Cosplay (the first for the exchange) from Lithuani...
There are a few new bits to the Tau that have been floating around. A new special character named Iceheart and some info on what is goin...
Something about large templates being overpowering in 8th edition? Read for yourself the comments from Jervis Johnson over at Warhammer ...
Vampire Counts will be getting the next army book according to rumors in January/ Febuary. So it was time to do a compilation on what ...
Chaos Legions in the rumor mill again.... did they ever leave? Here is the latest talk of chaos legions discussing many space marine equ...
A few days back a greek newspaper article published a rather unflattering article. According to the journalist that wrote the piece, in ...
This morning is a little treat produced by Forgeworld; a video history of the the rhino and the land raider. I have fond memories of th...
This is nothing short of an amazing piece of artwork by Jon Sullivan. It is for the cover of an upcoming book, "Wrath of Iron"...
Of course Tau have been where most of the rumor bits are found. I have grabbed a small collection of these rumors and placed them here f...
Here is one of our xenos races we have not really heard anything about for some time. While this rumor is a little vague and places a ne...