A Sneak Peak Into Next Months White Dwarf has given us a nice little suprise for the new year.
A Sneak Peak Into Next Months White Dwarf has given us a nice little suprise for the new year.
MOAB. It's exactly that, you can hear and feel the thing 30 miles away. PS we have it, and it's ready to go. Take a look.
Beastmasters are a great unit, and if the rumors are true, we will be seeing them here very soon in late march. I had been waiting on this ...
Now we have it, here is a an unpainted Stormraven Pic and Furioso Sprue that clearly shows you can make a Librarian Furioso out of it as we...
The woman, Geraldine Doyle, who inspired the famous World War II "We Can Do It!" poster has died. Doyle never recognized her own ...
While I normally would not jump the gun on posting some pics of the week, I thought I would share one of my new favorite artist, especially...
It seems that the rumor mill out here is just giving us little bits and bits. Here is what should be starting out our next wave of Dark Elda...
It's time for a new poll. The old one went well, but this time I am curious as to which codexs people think are top tier. Go ahead and ...
The Poll on What Armies do you play finally ended. I was really interested in what kind of players came here, however the I started the pol...
I got a little behind on this weeks pics. The opener is a pic of Maugen Ra. Definetly some nice artwork. No more talk, on to the pics. This...
Well the rumor has it that the next Dark Eldar wave will be coming before the release of the Grey Knight Codex. Take it as you will, I perso...
Continously working and re-working lists, here are the two competing ideas that I am working on for my next upcoming game. If you like yest...
Here is the last semi-finals mission from Ard Boyz in 2010. I will be putting them down onto a mission page with last years, so people can ...
I have been working on hard on my own dark eldar lists, and trying out just about everything under the black suns of Commorragh. What I have...
GIT DA SHINY’S “Look up dere lads, gifts from da gods, floatin down ta earf! Get ‘em before the uvvers do, dere precious!” - Mixlplix, Ork...
Harlequins are not Dark Eldar at all, instead they are travelling storytellers and performers that travel the webway often visiting Commorra...
Merry Christmas Everyone. I hope you get something better than the pic above. Is he carrying mistletoe?
I figured it was time to discuss one of my favorite Imperial Guard units, Psyker Battle Squads. To be honest, they are pretty rare to see o...
Veteran Guardsmen are the most used unit I have in the Imperial Guard codex. They are flexible, and able to be customized to fit into whate...
For years I always considered myself a Dark Elder player. Hundreds of games back in 3rd edition with them. I even moved on to chaos back th...
Here is the final video of the Badab War interview with Simon Egan and Alan Bligh. There is a spoiler warning, so if you don't already...
I was doing some digging, and who could resist the seeing what the largest bomb every made by man was. This is literally the biggest bomb e...
In an interview with Imperial Armour Writer Alan Bligh and Miniature Sculptor Simon Egan they are presented with a list of questions about...
An interview with Imperial Armour Writer Alan Bligh and Miniature Sculptor Simon Egan and presented them with a list of questions about Im...
The Grey Knights codex has been finalized and is currently at the printers. This makes it very soon that we will be seeing more images and...
Damn, its cold out. I think everywhere throughout Europe and the United States and Canada we can say that. I personally don't have snow...
2010 gave us a very nice set of releases from GW. The long awaited Blood Angels and even longer awaiting Dark Eldar. There had even been ru...
Here is another mission to help break the boredome of the our standard rulebook missions. This one comes from Ard boyz 2010 semi-final miss...
Urien Rakarth is the Master Haemonculus. He is said to be several thousand years old, and died just as many times to everything imaginable. ...
Something I always look forward to is what missions are played at ard boyz. I always need more missions that I get a hold of to add to my l...
Lady Malys was one of those HQ's that I originally did not like much. In fact I really thought of her abilities as second rate, a...
Figured I would get 2010's Ard Boyz missions posted and put onto the Ard Boyz page of the website before 2010 is over. I think Im about...
The M-134 Gatling Gun can throw down 3000 rounds per minute. It's quite remarkable to see in action, especially when firing tracers at...
When the Dark Eldar codex wasn't even out yet, the Baron Santhonyx was already making headlines far and wide across the blogosphere. The...
Nothing like a mission for these cold days we have been having around the country. (cant speak for elsewhere). A 40k mission from GW that ...
Nothing says get off my butt and get to work, like looking at some nicely done models. Luckily for me today GW gave us today some dark eld...
Lelith Hesperax I was surprised to find out I hadn't gotten to yet in this series. She is the undisputed champion of the gladiatorial ar...
2010 is almost done and I will be re-doing game store reviews coming up in the new year. The plan is to re-visit each one and see what the...
Of all the special characters in the Dark Eldar Codex, the Duke Sliscus is by far one of the most valuable. He is extremely cost effective,...
I really like the idea of releasing "Pics of the Week" on a weekly basis. I dig up so many of them, it will be nice just to dump...
Well, yesterday mixed into the necron news was another flyer rumor, the Thunderbolt. The rumor if you missed it, was that a plastic model ...
The latest in the Rumor Mill. While we know generally tons of rumors about the upcoming Grey Knights, what is beyond that for us? A summer...
This is my final list for the 2500pts tournament coming up. It's blood angels, the army I have the least models to field, so I am some...
Another tournament list for the upcoming christmas tournament that I am not able to attend. This is one in which I would of like to make, ho...
A while back I wanted to find out what armies people played that came to this blog. It seemed pretty average with quite a few Imperi...
With the Christmas 2500pt tournament right around the corner and myself not able to participate, I thought I would throw my next tournamen...
Once again I am at it, working on converting my old Raiders into something a little more passable. I had decided to just use the old parts...
It was time to refine this playlist even more. Playtesting had shown a few units that were not as efficient on the field as I would of liked...
There is always a learning curve for reading english even though it is my primary language. I missed this one. Check it out and comment. G...
US military unveils 'smart gun'. While this has been around, I hadn't realized they were already in use as of this last summer. ...
Our new Dark Eldar Codex is an amazing codex. It gives us some very unique things not yet seen in any other codex. While some of them are ...
This is the second part of my unique opportunities with Dark Eldar series. In this we are digging to find combinations and tactics that re...