Its been one of those long weekends where games late into the night end just before the break of day. So if it seems I have been gone fo...
Its been one of those long weekends where games late into the night end just before the break of day. So if it seems I have been gone fo...
We are one week away from a Chaos Space Marine codex release, and there are quite a few new models we will be seeing in short order. Two...
We have talked about this more than once, and yet the trend is getting worse not better. Tournament Organizers changing the 6th edition r...
Earlier rumors had placed Warriors of Chaos as a November army book release alongside of course a couple waves of models. Now it is appar...
Below is the October 6th releases that are just around the corner. These are what is on the order form, and it very much is what we ex...
Here is a second set of rumors that are mostly in response to Stickmonkey's rumors earlier in the week. Now the big questions comes ...
A follow up from the previous Dark Angel rumor set, we have a slight correction on his rumor release date. Otherwise these are some quest...
Ever since the first rumors slipped out on this beast, (a big thanks to Grant), we have looked forward to what this monstrosity was goin...
White Dwarf has gone through some major changes, and its clear that it is a completely new magazine with a lot more in depth articles. No...
Details on how Legion Tactical squads are working in the Horus Heresy Book 1 Betrayal. They definitely are rather cheap with 10pts each ...
Out of Forgeworld's first book on the Horus Heresy 'Betrayal', comes your army composition for the Legions inside.
Mortarion (also known as the Death Lord) was one of the original twenty Primarchs. He was given command of the Death Guard Legion on the...
The Chaos Space Marine codex is very much here. In case you were concerned that this was it for the rest of 2012....... Worry no longer...
This is simply a great piece, and the details here are amazing. This is a special edition of Pics of the week, to show off some amazing m...
Here are some more details from the Horus Heresy book 'Betrayal'. This book is extremely detailed and looks like a great book...
These following pics are from the Chaos Space Marine codex, but are only snippets of small sections. Tasty Taste has been slowly adding...
I missed last weeks BlogExchange spotlight, simply due to being overloaded with more things than I could get to. Things are starting to s...
More and more information is flowing about what is in the new Horus Heresy book 'Betrayal'. This set contains information regardin...
This just in, I have a set of pics from the book Betrayal that show off some of the Primarchs. These are some of the first pages new owne...
Now that we can actually own the book, at least some of us can, there are bits of information coming right from the new Horus Heresy boo...
Here is the final QnA compilation broken down once again for easier reading and less searching through all the material. Its late and now...
Its been a busy week with both the release of the new White Dwarf, and with some huge releases alongside Games Day UK. To top it off, it...
Now that people have seen the codex, we have one generous reader that is willing to discuss what he saw in a QnA format on the site. I kn...
More Games Day UK information is happening as we speak. Now we have a couple pics of models we just saw here in the prevous post, but fr...
Things are starting to roll in, and I have a large number of pics that are said to be on their way shortly. In advance, I want to thank ...
I finally got my chance to take a closer look at the new White Dwarf, and it definitely is a new magazine. I am not a big reader of magazi...
We have some entries and a closer look at both Ahriman and the Maulerfiend. Ahriman is indeed a level 4 psyker and wow can that maulerf...
This is an excellent video. I did not like the Maulerfiend as much until I saw it in this video. Definitely take a look and watch this vid...
Now we have the official announcement on the Games Workshop sites that the Chaos Space Marine codex is here!!!!!. This is exciting. 104 p...
Games Day UK is only two days away now, and we have a video from Forgeworld showing us just what to expect. Enjoy.
There is just so much out there right now on the latest White Dwarf regarding the Chaos Space Marine codex. I even missed some of it. He...
There are more pics circulating now, and these are the latest from over at Dice and Brush. It shows us the first Primarch Angron in all h...
I have been slipping behind on the Horus Heresy releases, with all the Chaos Space Marine bits. The Horus Heresy will be a great series o...
Army special rules, marks, icons and more are here from the White Dwarf. Once again apparently there are lots of people with this White ...
We have roughly been able to see what is going to be released on Oct 6th. This is going to be a huge and exciting release. I look forward...
The pics seem to be just rolling out everywhere, and I am amazed at how many people really are getting their White Dwarf's this ea...
Of course more pics are coming in from the upcoming White Dwarf as now it seems just about everybody has it (except me of course as alw...
From the White Dwarf Daily we have a new teaser video from Games Workshop. Check it out.
More rumors are coming in about the Primarch Models and Titans for the Horus Heresy series from Forgeworld. Many of us are just waiting to...
This morning we have some information regarding prices, psychic powers, possessed vehicles and more. Not to mention we have some great ...
White Dwarf is being transformed, and its release is only a few days away. I was able to ask a few questions and here are the answers. ...
When it comes to digital platforms, there are many people that are not on the Iphone or Ipad. Having only one operating system for Games ...
Meet the Helldrake, Maulerfiend, Forgefiend, Warpsmith, and the Warp Talons. Now that introductions are out of the way, I have a feeling ...
This is the cover of October's White Dwarf. Its going to be an exciting month, and I am hoping for more pics, and will get them to yo...
Back a while back, we had a Chaos Space Marine QnA session, and it was an amazing event. There was a new land raider variant in it, one ...
These are a little bit vague and based on artwork for the Dark Angels, but it definitely leads to some interesting ideas and rumors. Defi...
Some clarifications have come through on what options we will be seeing with a couple of the box sets from rumors earlier today............
We have the first confirmation that the Chaos Marine codex is indeed going to go live for pre-orders on September 22nd. The source is fr...
These are coming to us right now as I post this. New images for products, and in fact they are not all up yet, so I will be adding ...
Is this the name of our Dragon Flyer? This is the first time I have heard a name for it, and it sounds appropriate. This little rumor sn...
I have been getting a lots of emails regarding the release of the Chaos Space Marine codex. I want to be clear for the readers here. I a...
This week was a busy one for myself, and most of it was non-40k related. I was stuck in a 3 day criminal trial right up until the end of ...
White Dwarf is getting a new launch on September 22nd. Its is going to be a big release, and some rumors have it that the next release ...
The White Scars get their first pre-heresy Black Library book, and while I am a day or so behind on showing this video, I figured that the...
There are a ton of releases this weekend, as something like 50+ models are being released as citadel finecast. This includes things like ...
Now this is a logical step that I just did not see coming. Games Workshop now has apps for the iphone and ipod. I know many of you are l...
Inside the video there are several pics that are showing up, and of course I love to have more pics related to anything 40k. So here they...