Its still about 8 hours for me, but many of you are either celebrating now or will be soon the turn of the year. I just wanted to wish th...
Its still about 8 hours for me, but many of you are either celebrating now or will be soon the turn of the year. I just wanted to wish th...
Are there Adeptus Mechanicus Images floating around? It seems like there might be. Of course I have not yet found them anywhere, but that...
2014 is basically done and gone, and now its time to look ahead at 2015. We have had a lot of rumors floating around, and its tough to di...
Coming up in 2015 Warhammer Fantasy will start off with book 4 of the Endtimes, and I am sure book 5 will come in the not too distant fut...
Today a little more information came in regarding a new faction. We have been told in the past by sources there will be a big surprise ...
Hawk Wargames has an amazing line up for 2015 coming, and before we can get into it, we have to lay down January's releases, and cha...
The Faeit 212 Community News site has been up now for over a month, and with it there has been lots of battle reports, events, projects, ...
Games Workshop today basically announced the 4th book for the Endtimes with their secret message on What's New Today alongside a new ...
Forgeworld this morning in their new bulletin, showed off a new model that is coming our way, and it definitely has a Battletech feel t...
There are some images flowing around the web showing off the new Verminlords that will be up for pre-orders this coming weekend. This rou...
Here is a little look at what is coming out, and will be up for pre-orders this Weekend. These both will have a release date of the 10th ...
This is would be a codex that I would love to see. The Adeptus Mechanicus realized in standard Warhammer 40k would be a dream come true....
The Chaos Incursion of Ichar IV continues, while we look in on a 2 year fan made Necron project. Elsewhere What's On Your Table revea...
As 2015 starts up, there will be one question on many 40k gamer's minds, are we finally going to get a good Adepta Sororitas codex re...
The next campaign for Warhammer 40k is rumored to be April/May and to be a round 2 for the Dark Angels and Crimson Slaughter. Nightfury h...
We have had lots of rumors of what may be coming down the road for Warhammer 40k of late. Here is one more that would really push the lim...
Even though it's Christmas week, there quite a few rumors about what is coming out in 2015. Necrons, Harlequins, and even Death Watch...
We have been talking about something like this for a long time, and earlier today this was spotted. Definitely something going on, as you...
Today from the Faeit 212 Community News site we had a battle report with the White Scars facing off against the Dark Eldar. We also have ...
Earlier we were discussing the order of things for the coming year, and Harlequins are the biggest bit of new/rumors we have had for a bi...
Over the next few weeks through January we will be getting a full Endtimes Book 4 release with new units. There will also be a Blood Ange...
Just a quick announcement. I need the three winners to email me if you have not already heard from me, at natfka@live.com, so we can get eve...
Christmas is over, and its time to focus down and start looking ahead. We know that Necrons are rumored to be released on January 31st, a...
Two battle reports were posted up over the Christmas holiday, and both involved Tau. Its definitely time to check in to see how they did ...
Christmas is winding down on this side of the world, and over it there were more leaked images that are now very much everywhere. I know ...
Merry Christmas everyone. It's Christmas morning here (I'm sure many of you have already moved into the afternoon), and i...
Its been 25 days, and we are to the final releases of the Games Workshop and Black Library Advent Calendar. Look who's here..... Khar...
The Faeit 212 Community News site has been up now for about a month, and with it there has been lots of battle reports, events, projects, ...
Digital Tactical Objectives and a short story titled The Watcher make up day 24 of the Advent Calendar for Games Workshop and the Black L...
Dropfleet looks like it will have boarding actions, and possibly fighting on old ships that were lost during the original Scourge Invasio...
There are leaked images up now showing off the next week's White Dwarf cover and the massive Verminlord, which is apparently one of 5...
Always as easy as 1,2, 3 . The third and final Christmas Giveaway on Faeit 212 is here. You can consider the finale, as today's givea...
Of course Skaven are expected for the Endtimes 4 book release, and recent rumors have put promotion material arriving at stores as we spe...
Its Merry Christmas from Forgeworld, and the answer to their jigsaw this year is Alexis Polux of the Imperial Fists. Definitely a few peo...
Every day the Faeit 212 Community News site grows with more and more events, battle reports, and other news that effects our hobby. Its ...
There are some cool miniatures being painted up for the Dark Age Painting Contest going on right now. I thought I would show a few of the...
Check out the latest Forgeworld Jigsaw. Any guesses? Forgeworld also has some new bundles out today, and you can check them out by follow...
Its day 23 of the Hawk Wargames Advent Calendar, and with it a full reveal of a new Resistance Famous Commander model for Salakahn, Tyran...
The next White Dwarf contains no new releases, but instead the second half of the Cities of Death cards, some great Forgeworld model pic...
As easy as 1, 2 ,3. This is the second Christmas giveaway as we head into Christmas. Winners from all three of the giveaways will be ann...
Its the Advent Calendar day 23 for Games Workshop and the Black Library. Up today are Grey Knight Datacards and a story involving the Tan...
A charity auction put on by 40k Radio, a Battle Report with the new Blood Angels, and a Death Guard Rhino were part of the Community News...
Forgeworld has new pre-orders today, Solar Auxilia Flamer Sections. 10 models with enough flamers to make anyone's holiday's a li...
Between rumors of Necrons and the End Times we have been waiting to see what is coming that leads us into the New Year. Now the first ...
Salakahn is the priority-1 on the UCM's kill list for Eden Prime, as he is responsible for the deaths of many recon teams and is kno...
Really its as easy as 1,2,3. Three giveaways are planned over the next couple days leading up to the Christmas Holiday. Today's give...
Today Games Workshop is featuring the White Scars Space Marine Chapter with a digital release of the datacards and short story by Chris W...
Quite a few projects on display tonight for the Faeit 212 Community Site. Definitely worth checking out, as well as some Eldar Corsairs, ...
The Leviathan is one vehicle in the Resistance that is hard to come by right now. I had heard there were production issues with the Levia...
There are only a few more days before Christmas, and already the house is being decorated and everything masterfully put in its proper p...
Today Hawk Wargames has released a third piece of artwork for the upcoming game Dropfleet Commander. The game is being created by Andy Ch...