There are some great sounding updates coming to the Age of Sigmar though this years Generals Handbook. Here is what the Warhammer Community ...
Prosecutor Cadre Upgrade Kit from Forgeworld

Forgeworld has new previews up for the Sisters of Silence
Chaos Marine Codex Preview: Emperors Children
Now up from the Warhammer Community is the first Traitor Legion preview, the Emperors Children. via Warhammer Community https://www.warhamm...
Full Pre-order List and Prices this week

Need to the full pre-order list for this week? It's Codeci (apparently GW is using Codeci now) Grey Knights and Chaos Space Marines. I r...
Official Announcement of Two New Codexes

Games Workshop has just announced that next week we will see pre-orders for both the Grey Knights and Chaos Space Marines.
What's On Your Table: Iron Warriors Knight

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to Hello there! Just finished a little conversi...
Necromumda and Codex Release Dates revealed

I am out for the weekend and while I am gone here are a couple things going on worth checking out. Via La Voz de Horus (There is an imag...
New Primaris Marine pre-orders from Games Workshop

The new pre-orders are up now from Games Workshop for the Primaris Repulsor, Chaplain, and Apothecay.
What's On Your Table: Knight Household of Hermatika
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to Hi mate, here are some pics of my latest pr...
Gabriel Angelos available today

Gabriel Angelos is now available from Forgeworld. Via Warhammer Community Posted 28/07/2017 From Dawn of War to your tabletop – g...
Chaos Space Marines: August 22nd
What's On Your Table: "Gerantius" Conversion
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to So a couple months ago I showed you guys my ...
A Look into the Grand Alliance Death

A preview from the Generals Handbook 2017 for the Grand Alliance Death
The Fate of Konor Starts Now

The Warhammer 40,0000 campaign starts now, and you can head over to the campaign website to get a handle on the first missions. Via the ...
Grey Knights and Land Raiders

There are going to be a lot codex releases between now and the end of the year, , so keeping an eye on what is moving to no longer availabl...
What's On Your Table: Dark Imperium
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to Been going ham on Dark Imperium over the las...
Todays Rumour Engine Teaser

The next Rumour Engine Teaser is live. Ideas on what this is going to be a part of?
A Look Inside the Generals Handbook 2017

The Generals Handbook 2017 is coming in August, and this morning GW is sharing with us the contents of just what is inside.
Space Marine Codex Chapter Background Info

As the new Space Marine Codex is about to be released in a few days, its appropriate to get a grip on the background as the timeline has...
What's On Your Table: Nurgle

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to These are our Poxwalkers and Bloat Drone fr...
The Generals Handbook 2017: Coming Soon
A great video from the guys at Warhammer TV, and fun. Essentially the new 2017 updates are coming to the Age of Sigmar in August. Right a...
No More Rifleman Dreads: A Video Preview of the Changes in New Space Marine Codex

Well there goes half my dreadnoughts. I was hoping. Then it gets a little more complex, since the Warhammer Community has said I can use...
3 Strong Preview Builds for the Redemptor Dreadnought

The Primaris Redemptor Dreadnought will be under close scrutiny come Saturday, as everyone takes a close look at to see just how this ne...
Hammer of the Omnissiah Charitable Raffle

A 2,000pt Mechanicum army is the focus of this raffle from NOCF, and its entirely made up of Forgeworld models. This army can be won by ...
What's On Your Table: Magnus the Red Conversion
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to Hi, just finished my Magnus the Red convers...
New Cases by Phobos Foundry.

In the past we have looked at these cases, and Marcin who designed the trays and cases has done an amazing job at taking feedback from r...
This Week's Pre-Orders with Prices: Primaris Repulsor, Primaris Apothacary and Chaplain

This week's pre-orders include the Primaris Repulsor, Primaris Apothacary and Chaplain. Great pre-orders set for this Saturday, and we...
Gabriel Angelos Model Coming to Forgeworld (Character from Dawn of War III)

The Dawn of War series is for the first time, getting it's primary hero immortalized as a Forgeworld miniature. For the model he is w...
The Repulsor Unveiled: Video Review of the Space Marine Codex and Primaris Units

Saw these floating around the net this morning... including a look at the Primaris Repulsor. Good to see the new Primaris Redemptor as w...
Space Marine Codex Preview: Chaplain and Apothacary

Again that Chaplain model is just wicked, and I like it a lot. Really it looks amazing, and its that we get to see a nice close up of it...
What's On Your Table: Customized Kytan from Lord Skulls and Imperial Knight

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to Made a Kytan using a Lord of Skulls torso a...
New 40k Updated FAQs v1.1

That was quick. Not quite certain that its a good thing, but it is fantastic that GW is on top of the FAQs.