Warhammer 40k Batrep, TBMC, 1850 Tyranids vs Orks, Battle Report Hey guys, today Kevin and Irvin face off in an all xenos battle. Ty...
Confirming Details and Pricing for Traitors Hate, Psychic Cards, and Void Shield Generator
This very much confirms what the previous source was saying, and gives some pricing to go along with the pre-orders.
Details about Traitors Hate and This Weekend's Pre-Orders
Traitor's Hate is a huge return to Chaos Space Marines, and is a big deal to many hobbyists'. Chaos Space Marine players and fans...
Darklands: Savage Hordes III

As a big fan of the sculpts from Mierce Miniatures, I just couldnt pass on checking out their latest Kickstarter to fund Mounted Miniatur...
Ep 159 Combat Phase - TBA8: The Beast Must Die w/Gav Thorpe

TBA8: The Beast Must Die w/Gav Thorpe We talk news, hobby, games played. Warhammer TV responded quick to a plastoc 30K Thousand Sons...
What's On Your Table: Tau Urban Hexacamo Army

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com https://www.flickr.com/photos/142435544@N06/...
Inside the New White Dwarf

The new White Dwarf is getting out to people as we speak, and one of our sources has listed out exactly what is in it.
Traitors Hate, Void shield Generator, This Week's Full Pre-Order List with Pricing.
This verifies what we are have been seeing in the leaks this week, and gives us pricing for Traitors Hate, the Voidshield Generator, and ...
What's On Your Table: Don't Break the Chain
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com I've been working on assorted chaos mari...
What's On Your Table: Dark Eldar
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com I just read on the St. Andrews Wargaming blo...
Traitors Hate, and the List of the Releases this week.

There has been a lot said about this week's releases, Traitor's Hate. Lets look at what we know, and get all of this in one plac...
Army and Model Raffles..... Time is Running Short

A great time is now to get in on the 2016 NOCF raffles for charities. You can win a very large sized army, or even get tickets for many ...
The New White Dwarf...

The new White Dwarf is out, and if you are like me, and live somewhere like the left coast, the mail has not arrived yet. Don't worry...
Lord Inquisitor Prologue is Released

Its been awhile, and finally the first part of the Lord Inquisitor fan made movie is released. This is the prologue, and a peak at what th...
Grombrindal AoS and Silver Tower rules

Just in, you can see the new rules for the White Dwarf Grombindal, courtesy L'Astrpate
Update Your Digitial 6th Edition Kill Team to the New One for Free
That's right, if you have the digital version of old one, starting September 3rd you will be able to update it and have the new rules...
Leaked Images showing off details of Traitor's Hate and Khorne
Several images out now to enjoy and check out.
Traitor's Hate Revealed by Games Workshop... Here are all the details as we know it

The rumors are true, and Games Workshop has revealed Traitor's Hate... at least the cover.
Teaser Revealed
Ok, this is what is going on with the latest Genesys Information. A new landing page, that will hold links to the latest information an...
White Dwarf Cover Revealed

The White Dwarf Facebook team has revealed the cover of the upcoming White Dwarf. Its right on track with what we have heard through the ...
Kill Team is Live, and Grombrindal

Whether you want the entire box set or just the rules digitally, this week Kill Team is up for pre-orders.
Traitor's Hate, Void Shield Generator, Kharn..... September 10th!

Lookie here........ Traitors Hate! and much more.
What's On Your Table: Kingdom of Death Minis
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com Lots of Kingdom Death things on my table in...
What's On Your Table: Awakened Tree bodyguard

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com I wanted to show off something that's te...
Grombrindal Model Release!!!!

The return of a certain White Haired Dwarf. Age of Sigmar has mentioned him, but Faeit 212 has been told now that this is not just a prom...
Kill Team Details, Including What Units can be Used for Every Army
We are a few hours away from seeing the first pre-orders for Kill Team go live. So curious if this is something you want? Here are the de...
A Return to the Damocles Gulf! A message from the Tau

This just appeared on the Warhammer 40,000 Facebook page, and it appears something may be on the horizon for a return to the Damocles Gul...
A Little Teaser, and something else.
I know many of you are waiting on the Core Rules Release for the Genesys Project, but don't fear, they are just a few days out. Along...
Updates on the 9th Age: Background and Design Philosophy

The 9th Age, a great article talking about the design philosophies that are going into the game.
Mastadon Heavy Assault Transport.... Pre-Orders

The Mastadon is finally available now! from Forgeworld.
What's On Your Table: Sons of Horus Leviathan

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com I have a little Sons of Horus force startin...
Its Always Fun and Interesting...

I was browsing around after Forgeworld's announcement earlier, and just happen to notice images of one of my own models over on 40k ...
Brace for Impact

Today from Forgeworld are hints of Heavy Siege Equipment Equipment coming. Very cool.
Additional Daemon Primarchs, and Loyal Plastic Primarchs

The idea of 40k getting their own plastic Primarchs is a huge deal. The Forgeworld character series is on of my favorites, and to see si...
Another Look at White Dwarf

We have been eagerly looking forward to the new White Dwarf coming up in a week or so now. There will be a lot of changes moving back to ...
Chaos Daemons FAQ is Live

Apparently asleep at the wheel yesterday, Chaos Daemons haunted my dreams so much that I did not see their FAQ go live.
What's On Your Table: La Danse Macabre, a Talos pain engine

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com Just finished my most recent addition to my ...
What's On Your Table: Bastiladon Trio
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com since you requested some submissions, here ...
Bolt Action 2 Video and Pre-Orders

Bolt Action 2nd edition is coming soon, and pre-orders are already up. 2nd edition promises to take an already great game to new level...
The Return of Warhammer 40,000 Legends Collection!

Warhammer 40,000 Legends had a rocky start, as Hachette Partworks quickly found out they had a lot of interest going on for their collec...
White Dwarf Teaser: New Rules for 9 Boxed Games Inside
The boxed games are getting some updates inside the new White Dwarf. This magazine is going to be packed with all sorts of good stuff.
Tzeentch, Khorne, Magnus and Angron; What do they have in common......

A Chaos Space Marine revamp is coming is the answer to the title. This is just what we have been looking for.... a move towards what mak...
NOCF: The Latest Intel on the Games Workshop Archaon Raffle

The Nova Open Charitable Foundation is sharing some pics of the Archaon model Games Workshop is donating to the raffle. So yes, this mode...
The Genesys Project: Activation and Movement

\ Taking another look at the next section out of the core rules, focusing in on Activation basics and Movement Bonuses. Of course we wil...
What's On Your Table: Khorne Daemonkin Army
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com Recently, I have been working on my Khorne ...
Thousand Sons Rumors Answered by GW, and Kharn!!!!
Just wow, and very cool, with the full reveal promised on September 3rd!!!!! Of course they did not really give us much of an answer exc...
Frag Launcher with Options: Pre-Orders

This is a cool Frag Launcher with multiple parts. Great stuff. I especially like the extra drum and optional flash suppressor. This is av...
Additional 40k/30k Thousand Sons Information.... Box Game: Fenris Completion with Sisters of Silence and More.

At the moment there is tons of images floating around, and we are trying to figure out what this new sprue is. Here is something just se...