What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to natfka@live.com Chaos Land Raider Kitbash ...
The Best of the Best: Enforcers
The best equipment and best weapons... The Enforcers are ready to go.
Law in the Imperium: Enforcers, Subjugators, Adeptus Arbites
Adeptus Arbites have been something a good part of the community has wanted to see for some time and the new Enforcers are just the begi...
What's On Your Table: Variety of Projects
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to natfka@live.com Love the site, thanks for wha...
The Genesys Project Update: Let's Create a Faction
The Birth of Genesys Kickstarter Update #17 https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/thegenesysproject/the-genesys-project-the-birth-of-g...
Updated Pricing for This Week's Pre-Orders: Enforcers and New Warcry
Lots coming for Warcry and Enforcers for Necromunda. Here is how much you will be paying!
Warcry Preview: The Unmade
The Unmade Preview is up for this new Warband coming to pre-orders this weekend. Warcry is coming fast and this is a good chance to check...
Rumour Engine Teaser for the Week
An elf's shoe? Of course it's not that simple, as it almost looks like a hook! Your Guesses?
What's On Your Table: Blackstone Fortress Navigator and UR-025
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to natfka@live.com First two explorers I've ...
Enforcers and New Warbands Coming This Week.
Necromunda is getting the new Enforcers this week while Warcry will be seeing some of the new Warbands we have been looking at.
What's On Your Table: Tyranids.. Using Contrast Paints
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to natfka@live.com Sir, painted up a few Nids fo...
Primer: Weapons and Equipment, and Customization
Update #15: The Genesys Project https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/thegenesysproject/the-genesys-project-the-birth-of-genesys
Uber Deffkopta- Attack Craft Model- NOCF Charity Raffles
Uber Deffkopta is a single miniature raffle this summer all part of the NOCF charity event going on right now. You can win this and don...
What's On Your Table: Space Wolves and Harlequinn
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to natfka@live.com My WIP harlequin troupe maste...
Channeling and Customizing Magical Powers
The latest update delves into the magical realm of spell casting. Update #15: The Genesys Project Kickstarter https://www.kickst...
Available for a Short Time- Made to Order
These guys will not be around long... There is even a timer going..... talking about stressful.
Final Seige of Heaven Pics Arrive! Win this Warlord Titan!
This year's Warlord Titan is amazing from NOCF for the summer raffles. Its hard to imagine anyone not wanting to get a few tickets on...
What's On Your Table: Strike Force Parthus
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to natfka@live.com Thanks for the awesome blog n...
Primer: Creating the Fey- Angels, Demons, and Elementals
Update #14 for The Genesys Project Kickstarter this time including the last of the Domain Primers on how to create your factions. To fi...
A Look at Warcry Terrain
Today the Warhammer Community is looking closely at the new terrain for Warcry. It looks like a good set with a lot of terrain that comes...
Forgeworld Mechanicum Knight Moirax Pre-Orders + Rules Download
The Mechanicum Knight Moirax is up for pre-orders now from Forgeworld. This is right on the heels of yesterday's big rules updates an...
Warrior Daemon- Daemon Prince- NOCF Charity Raffles
Warrior Daemon is a one of the single Miniature raffles you can win this year. A great addition to any Chaos Daemon army he is yours to w...
What's On Your Table: Death Guard
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to natfka@live.com I waited pretty long for a Pr...
New Flame Drakes from Artel Miniatures
Artel W Miniatures as some new miniatures that should make Eldar players very happy. These are very cool sculpts. These speak for thems...
Creating Reptilia, Dragons, Gargoyles, Dinosaurs and More.
The Genesys Project Update #13 Join and Support The Genesys Project Kickstarter at the link here. We are successfully funded! https:...
Kill Team Zombie Horde Army- NOCF Charity Raffles
Its time for some Kill Team. If you have not yet seen what is available with the latest Charity Summer Raffles you are missing out on som...
What's On Your Table: Khornes Burning Fury
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to natfka@live.com I have recently started the h...
The Slayer of Kings: The Ultimate Trophy
This is a cool sword, a definite trophy piece for the mantel.
Creating Insekts, Fungi Infestations, and Alien Mutations.
Kickstarter Update #12- Support the Kickstarter https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/thegenesysproject/the-genesys-project-the-birth-o...
Seige of Heaven Pics! Win this Warlord Titan!
We have new pics to show you for the Siege of Heaven! Yes, this is the professionally painted Warlord Titan that you can win from the N...
What's On Your Table: Death Guard Conversions
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to natfka@live.com It's a Death Guard day. I...
Chaotic Beasts: Warcry
Chaotic Beasts and how they work in Warcry. Some of these miniatures is one of the biggest reasons I am personally wanting this box set...
Warcry Preorders.....
This week we still have the pre-orders going for the Warcry box set and the first warband, the Cypher Lords. So instead of mulling arou...
Raging Heroes: New Adjudicators and the Beheaders!
As we are moving towards seeing a new Sisters of Battle Release, Raging Heroes has new Sisters miniatures available now, the Adjudicators...
Underworlds Newly Updated Banned and Restricted List
Here is the latest updates to the Banned and Restricted lists.
Creating Biests
The Next Update for The Genesys Project: Creating Biests PRIMER: CREATING BIESTS While Biests are not the second or even the t...
This Week's Rumour Engine Teaser
Fire Raptor Gunship Raffle Going on Now. NOCF Summer Raffles
Warhammer 30k, 40k Fire Raptor Gunship from Forgeworld is on the NOCF Summer Raffles. Need or want one? Now is your chance to get in on ...
What's On Your Table: Deathrider- Death Korps of Krieg
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to natfka@live.com I am submitting my first pain...
Sisters of Repentia are Revealed
New Sisters of Battle Miniatures!!!!!!!! Sisters Repentia are here. Sisters have to be coming sometime near... Extremely dynamic models t...
Creating Humanoids
The Genesys Project Update #10 See more and support the Genesys Project live on Kickstarter now! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/...
Wargames Atlantic, New Miniature Company doing Plastics
Wargames Atlantic looks like it will be a gem in our hobby. I just recently (a couple days ago) heard of them and they look like they hav...
What's On Your Table: Custom Saggitarum
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to natfka@live.com Couldn't justify the actu...
Really Cool Video.... Contrast vs Airbrushing.... Who wins?
Next Level Painting did this video and it was well worth watching not only for the comparison but for just checking out airbrushing techn...
The Genesys Project is Funded: Creating your Faction Primer
The Genesys Project: The Birth of Genesys is funded https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/thegenesysproject/the-genesys-project-the-bi...
Siege of Heaven! Win a Warlord Titan. Seriously.. oh yea secret pics!!!!
Your chance to win a Warlord Titan is simply something you cannot pass up on. This is a chance to win a professionaly painted Warlord Tit...
Next Week: Chaos Sorcerors- Made to Order
These classic minis will be available next week! Chaos Sorcerors!
July White Dwarf Video Walk Throughs: Blood Ravens.......
Walk through videos of the latest July White Dwarf, including a close look at the Blood Ravens rules in the White Dwarf!
What's On Your Table: Death Korps of Krieg
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to natfka@live.com Hey there Find some pictures...
The Genesys Project- Funded! + The Primer: Missions, Awards, and Progression
We are funded! The Genesys Project just jumped past it's funding level. Interested in checking out the game a little more? Nows the t...