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We are getting some details to really the biggest question of them all for Tyranids, and that is how are Tyranids going to handle allies. Essentially it was widely perceived that Tyranids got the bum deal at the onset of 6th edition, simply because they were the only army stuck by themselves with no ally options. With rumors starting to come in that Tyranids would be able to ally with themselves, I wanted to know more.

Finally some details on what we might be seeing in the new codex. A huge thanks to our source, for helping stay on track and with some details for Tyranids.

Please remember that these are rumors

via a strong source here on Faeit 212
Tyranids, at least at current can ally with themselves essentially.
They have the standard:
2 HQ
6 Troops
3 Elites
3 Fast Attack
3 Heavy Support

And can take an optional

1 HQ
2 Troops (not minimum 1, up to 2, but instead MUST take 2 and then...)

And if they do, it unlocks
1 Elite
1 Fast Attack
1 Heavy Support.

Only an HQ from the core can be warlord.

Then the diversity comes into play.

Hive Fleets now have different rules (think chapter tactics). Your secondary brood can be from a different hive fleet. Not representing two fleets working together, just similar evolutionary strains.

There are also army wide FoC changes based on your Hive Tyrant. Wings give you the option to take Gargoyles as your compulsory troops (so max 2) for instance.  Bonded carapace let's you take Carnifex's as elites as well as heavy support (but can't be more than a certain number of points, so they end up kinda baby).

They have some really cool adaptations for skyfire.

Warriors can be purchased as sergeant style upgrades for gaunts and gargoyles. They get the biomorphs of the brood and are not attached like wolf guard.

Tyrannofex will see a points decrease.

Pyrovore will see torrent.

Ranged biomorphs contribute to a model's close combat.
Melée biomorphs enhance a model's ranges attacks.
You take some biomorphs that affect both, like +1 str to both.
But having a gun makes melée better and having melée weapons improves your guns. There's some new synergy there. Mostly for big bugs.

Psychic ability is a lot worse than what it is now, but it'd be difficult to explain and just upset people who don't have the whole picture.

All of this is subject to change and about a month old.

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