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We should know very soon if Lizard Men are indeed coming in August. In fact we might start seeing leaks this weekend or early next week for next month's GW releases.

Even though this rumor is mostly likely a guess from a retailer, it is still highly thought that Lizard Men are coming this next month.

Please remember that this is a rumor, and please add a little extra salt.

via thalamus over on Warseer
In a Forum over here in Germany, there has been recently stated, that by hearsay a retailer told: 
LM are definitely coming in August.

The release contains the AB and "only" two or three new releases in total. There hasn't been any information, if "new releases" means two or three boxes and whether the boxes are only single kits or contain at least one dual kit. What we know is, that one of those boxes contain Terradons and maybe something additional. So it is still unclear, if i.e. a own magic lore can be expected and if one of the new releases means cards for the new magic lore.

The reason, why the retailer shared this info, was that he is going on vacation during the normal preordering phase, so he gave it a bit earlier to ensure an on-date delivery.

To sum up, very little can be contributed, but I think, we should not be so doubtful. A lack of rumour doesn't mean per se there will be no release at all...
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