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Stores are starting to take pre-orders for the new Warhammer 40k 6th edition as well as the starter set. These are not official pre-orders yet, so it seems a little bit premature to me. However, I think retailers are getting a little excited for some must buy sales.

I imagine there are others as well, but this is just what I have. I am sure stores just want to know how many to order, and are trying to work up some hype.

via Tophawtdog4411
a store in petersburg MI is saying it will take pre orders next week for 6th edition rulebook and starter set further confirming 6th editions imminent release

via The Barracks Game Store
Next week we'll start taking pre-orders for the new Warhammer 40k 6th edition rulebook as well as the starter kit. $35 for either will guarantee you'll have one at release!
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