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The latest rumors suggest that we will be seeing the greentide again in the near future. A mini wave of models and upgrade kits to fill in the Ork range of models. (is this to be a new trend?)

Please remember that these are rumors and to they are not to be treated as official announcements. Looking this far ahead though, its exciting to see GW fill in current model lines. I know of some models I am missing that I sure would like to purchase if they are released. cough cough hydra.

via Stickmonkey
Looks like a mini wave for ork players is on the way. Looks like this will slot in sometime in spring 2013 by my estimate...

Wave contents:
Ork buggy/half track Dakka/skorcha/rokket plastic (1x box) priced like Necron spyders
Deffcopters all options plastic (1x box) priced like Necron spyders
Meganobs all options plastic (5x box) priced like terminators
Flashgits upgrade finecast (3x clamshell) priced like boneswords
Cybork upgrade finecast (3x clamshell) priced like boneswords

Edit: corrected buggies and koptas, those are 1 per, In a sentinel size box. Had incorrect price points too... Still expensive.
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