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The Tyranid Harridan has been off the the Forgeworld site now for a bit, and there were concerns it had been discontinued. Seeing that the new 40k release Escalation has the Harridan in it as a Lord of War choice, it was excellent timing that the model went back up for sale today.

Thanks to Josh for sending in this letter on the where-a-bouts of this model.

via Forgeworld
       Thank you for your email.  The Harridan has not been discontinued, we have had to carry out some re-mastering work on the kit.  Basically the models used to make the moulds had deteriorated and we needed to make new ones, but the master used to make these needed re-mastering as well.  This work has to be carried out by the designer, Simon Egan, in between sculpting new models.

So, the re-mastering work has been carried out and new moulds made.  It is now back on the website to order as of today.

Forge World
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