New Images are found. A new Dark Angels Interrogator Chaplin just discovered, and along with it a little information on the upcoming Space Marine codex. …
New Images are found. A new Dark Angels Interrogator Chaplin just discovered, and along with it a little information on the upcoming Space Marine codex. …
My tables are a mess of projects, but I have put most of them aside right now to start getting ready to head to the Nova Open this year. While I have not decided yet upon the three main armies I have, I want to dig in and get some of these projects done. So first up were some UCM new command vehicl…
There has been several comparisons that I have seen, but this one was sent in from Adam from a picture taken just recently at the new Warhammer World. Its a nice pic, that shows the Titans up next to each other in one shot. Thanks for sending this in.…
Next week's releases are out a little early for White Dwarf leaks, but they are here and reveal new Devastators, Codex, and Battleforces. That is quick for the codex, which I had figured was going to be still a week away. Does that mean no real new unit releases? Perhaps just the command vehicles f…
The Cohort Mechanicus Web Exclusive Rules Bundle was released to pre-orders today. I know it was mentioned that I forgot to post up on it today, but really...... I figured it another exclusive rules bundle needed to be separated from the Space Marine release. …
Pre-Orders are up early for the UK this morning. There are some interesting things in there, including the 1st Company Task Force, and both 10 man and 5 man Assault Squad box sets. Those upgrade packs also look really nice laid out with paint on them. I am definitely hoping that GW expands the upgr…
There is no official announcement yet, but yes... on the the Hawk Wargames site already are the new infantry models....... No rules yet... darn, but they are up for pre-orders. Take a look at them. …
The Age of Sigmar recently was revealed during rumor and re-directs. This rumor bit takes that a step further saying the Age of Sigmar will be the name of the first starter set for the Warhammer Fantasy. Check out the latest rumors for Warhammer Fantasy 9th Edition. …
Bonjour mes amis! It is I, the French Overlord, with a recap of my experiences at the OCHO! Be sure to check the Tactics Corner for more great bat reps! …
The Cult Mechanicus codex is out now very shortly, and should be hitting stores everywhere today. While we have seen a lot of German leaks, I have seen very little in English. A reader here though is up on giving us a rough translation of the Relics and Canticles from German into English. …
There is quite the weekly deal going on right now over on Humble Bundle. Company of Heroes, Space Marine, Dawn of War 2 and more for very little cash upfront. For those of you that have not played Space Marine, or Dawn or War 2 simply because of cost, here is your chance to pick them up. A great se…
The Age of Sigmar was recently revealed to us in a rumor that gave us a pre-order date of July 4th. We know little else at this point, but with a redirect it looks like this is going to happen! …
With all the leaks, there has been a big lack of seeing the hints for next week's releases. Atia of course has come through with them, and it definitely looks like the "Big Guns" title refers to new Space Marine Devastators that have been rumored. …
Of course getting leaked images are one thing, actually being able to read them is another. The first leaks we saw were in German, followed by some in Spanish. A reader on the site is helping with some quick translations for us English only speakers. Here they are... …
The leaks are out for the Cult Mechanicus codex. Most of them are in German, and there are also some in Spanish now. (technically I should be able to speak both those languages.... but I cant). The leaks reveal the Cult Mechanicus Detachment, Formations, Relics, Wargear, and Canticles. Definitely w…
Free is always good, but its much better when its free artwork from the Black Library. There is two sets of these, which apparently several friends missed, so make sure you check out both links below. …
Warhammer Fantasy rumors are a wild bunch, but hopefully as we get closer we will get some details of what the new edition will bring. Check out the latest rumors for Fantasy. …
As this week has been moving on, and we are getting several confirmations on the new upgrade sprues for both Blood Angels and Space Wolves alongside the already seen Ultramarines and Dark Angels. Here is the latest, …
New rumor bits are coming in saying that the first week of July we will be talking about Warhamer Fantasy, and the Age of Sigmar. I don't have a lot of information on this except for a pre-order date. Check out the latest for Warhammer Fantasy. …
While there were 4 rumored upgrade packs, thus far we have only seen two, Ultra Marines and Dark Angels released alongside the Assault Marines. The rumors right now speak of Blood Angels and Space Wolves also getting upgrade packs, but leaks have not confirmed them this week, nor exactly what they …
While background is not my expertise, I still enjoy reading through it as the Warhammer 40k universe is extremely detailed. The history and background of Mars is one of those interests that a lot of people have and are looking forward to reading when this new codex comes out. …
Several new Forgeworld models were seen at the Warhammer World Grand Opening. Two of the most popular of the models revealed, were shown off again today by Forgeworld in their newsletter, Sigismund, and a new Daemon Engine using the Lord of Skulls kit and adding legs to it. Here are a couple images…
There some additional rumors around this morning about the rumored codex, Tzeentch Daemonkin. According to the rumors, the release will have a new Lord of Change, and new Sorceror. Sounds a little familiar, but with extra bits for Thousand Sons. …
The upgrade kits for Space Marines have leaked images now running around the net. There is quite a few bits in these sprues, noting 20 components mentioned for the Dark Angels one. Hopefully these kind of kits continue more chapters as I see these as great expansions and ways to customize our model…
This was left in the comment section, and apparently it was left there twice, and I just missed it the first time around. There is a new artwork with a Warlord Titan in it and the Cult Mechanicus forces. Interesting and a clue to for something to come? …
More Details are making their way around the internet on the releases for this week. It appears the new upgrade packs will include shoulder pads, torsos, heads, for several factions.... Blood Angels, Space Wolves, Ultra Marines, and Dark Angels. …
The info is in..... its Space Marine Assault Squads and upgrades that are in line for releases this week. That most likely leaves the command vehicles, devastators and codex left that we are aware of to fill in the 3 week Adeptus Astartes release. …
There was a large information dump by someone that has the codex. It all seems to match up, so I compiled it into a single article for people to get a feel for the new Cult Mechanicus. For the most part it looks like a solid codex, or at least a lot of fun. …
Thats right, Space Marines are next, and just as Atia was claiming a teaser video is up. Pre-orders will start this coming weekend, and already I am on the edge of the seat here looking for any additional information that might be out there for us. …
There are lots of sample images from both the Black Library ebook and interactive sample download to see. While there is not a lot of information, I always go through these if not for info, but to enjoy the artwork they show off. …
Going into the last week of the Adeptus Mechanicus armies, the Cult Mechanicus codex is due for release this coming weekend. The book is already out for pre-orders, and some information is coming out now revealing the Warlord Traits. …
The latest rumors have been heading in the direction of a Dark Angel vs Tzeentch campaign that will take place this summer. With it new Dark Angels, and a new Lord of Change. This rumor bit adds to that with a new Tzeentch Daemon character that was seen. …
There is some chatter around now that there is an official price jump coming for several items from Games Workshop on June 1st. This seems to effect mostly paints, hobby tools, and some scenery kits. …
The latest video from Games Workshop shows off the new models, and wow, I really like both the Tech-Priest Dominus and the Electro-Priest models. I am still not sure how usable to the Electro-Priests are to me based on the rules, but the Tech-Priest is absolutely stunning and needs to hit the field…
The latest pre-orders from Games Workshop are now live. The Cult Mechanicus codex, Electro-Priests, and the HQ model Tech-Priest Dominus are now available. This week wraps up the Admech releases for a while, and hints next week give us insight to Space Marines being next. …
Warhammer Fantasy is right around the corner, and this little rumor bit has the new edition being released June 20th... right after Space Marines it would seem. 6 Factions, picking up right after the End Times, and two games in one... skirmish and full scale. Did I mention Round Bases have been spo…
There has been a lot of talk on the site about what is coming over the next few months and into the fall. It was time to get it all down on paper so that it can be seen all in one place. The primary subject of course being a Dark Angels campaign vs Daemonkin (Tzeentch if I recall correctly). …
Space Marines are obviously next, and beyond that previous rumors have Dark Angels. So the first part of this rumor has been said before by several previous sources, but what is new here is that the new edition for Warhammer Fantasy is right after Dark Angels. also of interest is an eldar armybox. …
One area of modelling that I have spent very little time on is bases. I have looked into it before, but in reality my time does not allow me the opportunity to create my own custom bases. Most of us at one time have considered picking up some custom bases from someone, or have already done so in th…
There area few smaller rumors coming my way. They are from a couple different sources, but with the recent re-directs that have been discovered, Dark Angels are definitely something on the release schedule. …
Forgeworld today is releasing its new 26 airbrush paints to pre-orders. While I don't airbrush much of anything, its definitely worth hearing how these paints stack up to others that hobbyists are using. Also, images from copies of the Horus Heresy Tempest are starting to filter out. Check them out…
Hey everyone, Reecius here to talk about Sktiarii! Be sure to check out the Tactics Corner for more great articles. …
Dark Angels have been revealed in the latest round of discovered re-directs, and the floodgates are open now, and rumors are flowing. If anything seems to be a constant with the rumors lately, is that lots of new formations are going to hit. …
It's been revealed that there is a new Assault Marine Squad and Devastator Squad box set release coming up soon for Space Marines, and I have heard whispers that there will be 3 new tanks or sorts (I can't recall where I saw that or id credit it). Here we have Steve the Warboss chiming in on what s…
The Cult Mechanicus has a lot of new rules being introduced into 40k, and one army wide rule we have seen but not known much about has finally been revealed.... The Canticles of the Omnissiah. …
It looks like we have a lot more Space Marines and Dark Angels revealed due to a new series of re-directs that are appearing. Codex, new models, and more. …
There are some interesting items that are being removed from retailers lists that give a very good indication that the rumors are correct for a Space Marine wave. The rumors have us coming into a 3 week release with codex, Assault Squads, Devastators, and several changes to how our marines are fiel…
Its been a little while since working re-directs were taken away, but it seems there is still a way to see some of them. The re-directs take you from the standard lower case search on the Games Workshop site, to a corrected upper case page. Of course we still get the records expunged page, but that…
With the Space Marine codex looming before us for an early to mid June release, we should hopefully start seeing some information on what it will contain very soon. The information below was posted up in the comment section here on this site, and talks about a detachment called an Adeptus Astartes …
There are now leaked images out in German, and we are seeing quite a few more pictures of the new models along with the release schedule for pre-orders this week. The two primary model releases this week are the Electro-Priest box set, and the Tech-Priest Dominus. The Tech-Priest really looks like …
Forgeworld is breaking into the airbrush paint market later this month, and we have images of the range of colors that will be available. There are some interesting paints here, like the "clear". …