Some of this is old, but not all of it. There are some bits here I either had not paid much attention to, or missed during this flood of information that is here.

Please remember that these are rumors. The official release is on May 24th.

via an anonymous source on Faeit 212
Some of this is old news. Other parts not.

Vehicle chart has shifted one spot. Now tanks only explode on a 7+

Jink got punched in the neck. Now you have to choose wether or not to Jink after you are hit. If you choose to Jink you get your Jink save (which is now 4+) but you only snap shoot next turn. This is the rule in all cases. (Flyers,Bikes,skimmers, etc....)

All units except for Zooming flyers now score.

Interceptor + Skyfire no longer allows firing at normal BS at ground targets. You always snap fire at ground targets now if you have skyfire.

If you take a Battleforged list your troop units gain an ability where they cant be contested while holding and objective except by another unit with the same ability.

Psychic phase works as follows.....Roll a D6. Both players get this many dice. Then both players add up all their mastery levels and each player adds dice to his or her base pool one a 1 for 1 basis. (so If a 5 is rolled both players get 5. Player A has 4 Mastery levels so he ends up with 9 dice. Player B has 3 Mastery Levels so he has 8 dice.) Warp charges are now the powers difficulty. In order to cast a power you need a number of successes on D6s equal to its warp charges. A success is a 4+ on a D6. (If player A wanted to cast a 2 Warp Charge power he picks any number of dice and rolls them. 2 of them need to be 4+ for him to succeed.) If you fail in casting a power bad things happen to you. To Deny the Witch you choose howerver many dice you want a roll them. You need to score an equal or greater number of successes than the caster to cancel the power. A success on a Deny roll is a 6+. You get a bonus of +1 to each of the dice you roll for being a psyker, being higher mastery level or having Adimantium Will.

D weapons got toned down a bit. chart now goes....1 = nothing2-5 = D3+1 wounds but you get to take Invul and Cover 6 = 6 + D6 wounds no cover or Invul.

Battle Bothers can now get into each others transports.

You can now ally with Come the Apoc units. They get the same drawbacks as distrusted plus they cant be deployed within 12 inches of each other.

All armies are now Battle Brothers with their selves.

 Vector strike is now AP 2 and you only score 1 hit per Vector Strike unless you are a Montrous creature then its still 1 plus a D3

Montrous creatures only take grounding checks if they are wounded not if they are just hit.

If you shoot a unit of mixed weapons you resolve each weapon type one at a time. Example...... If you shoot a Tac squad with 8 Bolters, a Melta and a Missile Launcher you roll to Hit and Wound with your bolters (or which ever of the 3 weapon types you choose to do first) then your opponent makes saves then you move on to the next weapon. Repeat until yuo fire the entire unit.Wounds are still taken from the front.

 Vehicle Squadrons got better. You now keep resolving damage to the closest vehicle until it dies then move on to the next closest. No more having to spread all the Pens and Glances around then resolving.
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