Tonight for What's On Your Table we are looking at Rich's Armies on Parade entry. …
Dark Eldar Codex Pics Leaking, Confirming Vect is Not There
Its not that we needed a pic to confirm this, as everyone for the last week has been saying no Vect. However, now there are images in Spanish floating around revealing that he is not there. Of course there are some other bits of information on the leaked codex images, but I will let you discuss tho…
What is Going on With Vect and Dark Eldar Lords of War?
Everyone fully expected that we would be seeing Asdrubael Vect as a Lord of War with this Dark Eldar release, and by now its quite apparent that there is no lord of war in the upcoming Dark Eldar codex. There is lots of speculation on what will be happening, lets take a look at what may be in the p…
Leaked Image: The Cover of This Week's White Dwarf
The cover of the upcoming White Dwarf has been spotted, as many people either have seen it, or have it. …
What's On Your Table: Custom Sculpted Dark Eldar Models

Custom Dark Eldar models are up for What's On Your Table. …
New Chaos Book From Forgeworld

Forgeworld today in their newsletter gave a sneak preview of a new Chaos release. We will have more information come Wednesday. Also in the newletter, we get a good look at all the new Imperial Knights on display as Forgeworld gets ready for Warhamer Fest coming soon. Could we be seeing an update t…
Polish Wargaming News

Hello again. This is Inkub from Miniwojna blog ( and Polish Miniatures website (, where I write about Polish – and Polish only – new miniatures, accessories, rules and similar things. This is second of my bi-weekly short summaries of…
Updated: This Week a New Archon, Succubus, and Coven Supplement
This is very much what we expect, but is the first report from sources regarding this week's pre-orders that has hit my inbox. We are still waiting on any information of additional pre-orders or a glimpse of the following week to see if we will get any further Dark Eldar releases, or if its back to…
What's On Your Table: Raven Guard
Raven Guard makes an appearance this morning for What's On Your Table. …
What's On Your Table: Grey Hunters and Rune Priest

First up tonight for What's On Your Table are Grey Hunters and a Rune Priest. …
Infinity: The Road to N3
Hello again! (Guest Article by Ed) As most of you may know by now, Infinity is on the eve of a new edition, due later in the year. I'm going to use this article to discuss what this means for the Infinity community, and particularly to new players. …
More Dark Eldar bits
With all these rumors coming in on what the new Dark Eldar codex will bring, I am sure we have missed a lot. Here is a list by Kirby over on 3++ , which reveals ways to stack power from pain, and increase your feel no pain to 4+ …
The Guns and Artifacts of the Dark Eldar
There is a lot of Dark Eldar information all over the internet at this point. I have another batch of information from various sources, so lets take a close look at a couple things I was most curious about. …
What's On Your Table: Eldar Maiden World
An Eldar Maiden World table is the first up tonight for What's On Your Table …
Dark Eldar Warlord Traits and Combat Drugs
Dark Eldar information is still coming at us relatively fast today, and now we get a first look at some of the Warloard traits, one of which I would like to have every game. Check these out. …
Dark Eldar Troops Choices, Court of the Archon, and a New Weapon for the Succubus

Its been hinted at now since the first grainy images first leaked, but a new succubus model looks to be coming, and along with it, a new weapon called the Archite Glaive. Also we take a look at rumors revealing what exactly are the troop choices in the codex, and the updated Court of the Archon. Th…
Dark Eldar Raider costs, Liquifier, and Dark Scythes Uncovered
The mysterious Dark Scythe weapon found on the Voidraven is unveiled as a S8 AP2 blast weapon, and it looks like liquifiers are getting a strength reduction. Check out the latest from someone that is rumored to have the codex in hand, or at least seen it! …
New From Forgeworld: Cerastus Knight-Acheron
Forgeworld has delivered with several Imperial Knight versions, and today adds one more to the list of very cool Imperial Knight Releases, the Cerastus Knight-Acheron. …
Dropzone Release Delays, and More Resistance

Dropzone Commander from Hawk Wargames is getting a very large Resistance release tomorrow, however a few models, like the Hellhog Fighter and Battlebus, will be delayed due to persistant moulding issues. So lets take a look at what is getting released, and what is not. …
Blood Angels Coming Soon
Soon after Dark Eldar the Endtimes Book 2 with Archaon is expected to be released, and very soon afterwards we are looking at a what could be a big release for Blood Angels. …
Voidraven "Not as Expensive the Rumors are Saying"/ Pre-Orders Live!

The new Voidraven has been said to chime in at the cost of a Land Raider, which is very expensive. Its been suggested that the point cost was fully upgraded full with missles etc, but the question remains, exactly what is the Voidraven and how much is going to be. Also the Voidraven and Codex is no…
Raiders, Venoms, and Ravagers Oh My!

Dark Eldar Raiders now are going to be coming with Deepstrike, and flickerfields now appear to not be an option, but reserved for Venoms. Of course Night Shields now giving stealth is very cool. Lets take a look at the latest rumor batches from around the internet. Its getting a little crazy. …
Lots More Dark Eldar Codex information To Check Out
Apparently some of the codex has leaked in German, and a huge thank you to one of the readers here that translated the information for us on this site. This combined with the last set (from a different source) is starting to help give us a preview of the new codex. …
Dark Eldar Mandrakes, Webways, Power from Pain, and More
Dark Eldar information is coming, including some of the biggest bits of information we are all waiting for!!! Mandrakes, Webways, Power from Pain, and more. Very exciting, and I think at last, mandrakes will be on my immediate list to purchase! …
How much AA is enough?

When building a take all comers list, it can sometimes be tough to determine how many points you need to invest into air defense. …
What's On Your Table: Craftworld Iybraesil
A long project to complete 6500pts of Eldar are now complete. Check out the latest from Jon. …
What's On Your Table: Giant Ork Warboss/ Ghazghkull

First up tonight for What's On Your Table, a massive Ork Warboss from Cliff. …
Rumors of a New Succubus, Vect, and Dais.
Next week could be a very big week, with a new Archon, Succubus, Asdrubael Vect along with this Dais of Destruction. Of course these have been what is rumored, but it would be a very big week to have all these released. …
What's On Your Table: New Tau Army
New Technical Paints Incoming
We had rumors of some new paints coming down the line a few week's back, and it looks like they will be here and soon. In today's Warhammer Fest announcements, they mentioned what I believe is a new technical paint- rotting flesh. Check it out. …
CEO Job Opening Posted for Games Workshop

Of course you only need a letter saying why you want to the job to get the ball rolling. That aside, I can see many hobbyists applying to this position, and it would be interesting to apply for. …
Battlefleet Gothic, Mordheim, Necromunda, and Dreadfleet.

Games Workshop has very much kept away from several of its older specialists games, like Battlefleet Gothic, Mordheim, and Necromunda. When they were active games, they were very popular, and I have very fond memories with each of them, especially Battlefleet Gothic. Could these return? …
What's On Your Table: Helbrute
What's On Your Table tonight displays a model done for a friend. Very cool, and nice to have such talented friends with painting and photography skills. …
Voidravens Weapons Listed
This week the Dark Eldar Voidraven is coming up for pre-orders, and its on the top of my "things to do" to figure out what my army's new bombers will be able to do. Earlier today we had a report from someone that read the White Dwarf and he was recalling what he had heard, now we have a more direct…
A New Army From Forgeworld

The Solar Auxilia is coming, and with it new vehicles, troops and more. The army will be unveiled at this years Warhammer Fest October 11th and 12th in Coventry, UK. Lucky for us, Forgeworld gave us a little teaser of one of the new vehicles in their Forgeworld Bulletin, seen above. …
Voidraven Weapons

Some people have read the battle reports from the upcoming White Dwarf, where apparently the Dark Eldar kick the crap out of the Asta Militarum. With that in mind, I have read some peoples reports on what they read in that battle report, and here is one that discusses the Voidraven and some possibl…
Next Week Dark Eldar Possibilities, Vect, Succubus, Covens, and a New Archon
Yesterday we saw that the White Dwarf gives us the back page hints of "The Nobility of Commorragh" for next week's releases. We also saw what is very likely to be a new Archon model, and that the Archon limited edition codex includes a Haemonculus Covens Supplement. …
What's On Your Table: Bullgryns

What's On Your Table tonight features the series' first Bullgryns. …
New Archon Model Found
Reading through several forums this afternoon, it seems someone has found a new Archon. Not sure I like it yet, but early images generally dont make a great first impression. …
Leaked Dark Eldar Images: More Including This Week's Releases
This week's pre-orders are revealed in the latest batch of images that are now everywhere through the internet. Inside these we get a good look at the new datacards, special limited edition codex releases, and more.Something to notice is that there is a Haemonculus Covens supplement listed in the A…
Pain Token Changes to Dark Eldar

Some changes to pain tokens are expected, but it would hard to take that you get the pain tokens automatically at the start of each turn. Definitely interesting concepts. …
Dark Eldar Voidraven Leaked Images and Release Information

The images have now leaked, confirming what we were talking about on Friday with the description and title of the White Dwarf cover. The Voidraven of course looks awesome, and alongside it being released this weekend are a couple combination kits (warrior/raider) and (wych/raider). Very cool, and w…
What's On Your Table: Blood Angels
The second half tonight are one of my favorite marine chapters, Blood Angels. …
What's On Your Table: Ork Project

First up for What's On Your Table tonight is a very detailed Ork project. …
In-Store Problems with Pre-Ordered Products.

Games Workshop customer service is generally very awesome to deal with, and in fact are one of the best I have ever had to deal with on the very few times (twice in 18years) I have had problems. In store issues can be a different animal, and sometimes difficult if not frustrating to deal with. …
Presence of Faeit: The Dark Eldar Dealing with Armor and the Psychic Phase
Dark Eldar are about to appear, and one thing that remains a complete mystery to us all is how if at all, Dark Eldar will face the psychic heavy game that is 7th edition without allying. …
Faeit's Tarot: Dark Eldar and Endtimes
The biggest news this week was the release of images from Games Workshop in their videos showing off the new cover for the Dark Eldar codex. Of course there are rumors that the codex may or may not be coming alongside the already revealed Voidraven Bomber release next week. …
The Heralds of Archaon
The Endtimes will continue very soon, and with it Chaos will be at the forefront. This mornings rumor bits include Archaon's Heralds, which will get redone and now lead the armies of Chaos. …
What's On Your Table: Sons of Medusa
Dark Eldar Codex Cover Revealed
The codex cover has been leaked, and the images are as of now floating across the internet everywhere. The cover was indeed given to us by a sneak peak during the How to Paint Wracks video earlier today from Games Workshop, and now the entire cover has leaked with Games Workshop's latest video: War…