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What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to

Here are a few of my either finished or unfinished models for WOYT.

First, my first test with Contrast paints, and a piece of advice for everyone using it : DO NOT prime black and put contrast base over it. (My FLGS hadn't received the contrast primers for unknown Reason.)

Second, my Dropfleet Commander Raiju Heavy Cruiser. It's big, it's stealthy, and it has a superlaser, what more to add? (Chitinous husks are rather easy to do, primed leadbelcher, green and purple shades, blended at the joint, and voila)

Last, my first real conversion : a Chaos Space Marine Sorcerer in Terminator Armor converted from a Stormcast ETB Liberator prime, head and Lightning claw are from a Raptor kit, and the staff is a Tzaangor Enlightened spear. (It wasnt finished back then and i have apparently misplaced it somewhere in my hobby stuff, so pic is a heavy WIP on the base)

Thank you for putting What's on your Table in place, hope i have some more stuff for next time you need us.


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