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Warhammer Dreadfane is a new introduction game being introduced at the toy fairs. This game is for newer players getting into the game and comes with two additional warbands,

We saw this back in February and Ive included those images and information below. What's new is that we can see the back of the box with a look at the contents

I also found the above image on Dakka, it was clearer.
via OrlandotheTechnicoloured

via Sprues and Brews

Information back from February
-a Warhammer Underworlds game that offers a new twist on the ultimate competitive miniatures game. Designed to be perfect for beginners, you’ll be able to battle through a streamlined version of the game, balancing taking out your opponent with a host of hazards, like falling meteors, beams of magical energy and more. Each match promises to be a nail-biter right up until the last moment. And while both warbands will initially be exclusive to the set, we should see them available separately in the not too distant future.

While Dreadfane is aimed at newer players, veteran explorers of the Mirrored City will be able to pit their current warbands against the terrors of the Dreadfane. The set will also be the first place you can get two new Warhammer Underworlds warbands – Ironsoul’s Condemnors and Lady Harrow’s Mournflight. Each has their own cards and fighters and, once you’ve mastered Dreadfane, can be taken into the main game.

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