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While there are many raffles to choose from this year, it was time to start focusing on what the raffles have to offer and check out the details of some of the bigger raffles. As a White Scar fan... Im starting here.

Remember you do not need to be present to win these, and for as little as the price of a couple tickets (around 10-12 dollars) you could win this army.

The Chogorian Brotherhood represents a favored tactic of many White Scar commanders. A core of bike and jetbike mounted space marines supported by other elements in transports, this rite of war allows for lightning strikes on weak enemy flanks. The speed of this army is not often matched, and it has been designed to pack a punch as well.

This army includes several units from the recently released “Horus Heresy Black Book 8: Malevolence.” and totals over 2,000 points. Six of the jetbikes are fully magnetized, allowing the player to use them as either skyhunter or skyslayer jetbikes. For the Khagan!

Our thanks to Ryan Bridges, Shane Confehr, Nate Taylor, Christopher Lee, Robert Cutrell, and Chase Montambo, many of whom have been members of the NOCF Artist Consortium for years, and a few joining for the first time in 2019.

You can get your Tickets here

and see the other Charity Raffles...... at this link

1x Custom Praetor with Shamshir Jetbike - (Nate Taylor, Greying Legion)
1x Custom Stormseet Librarian on Jetbike - (Nate Taylor, Greying Legion)
10x Veteran Machine Killer Marines - (Shane Confehr, Crimson Path Studio)
1x Terrax Pattern Termite Assault Drill - (Shane Confehr, Crimson Path Studio)
3x Golden Keshig - (Nate Taylor, Greying Legion)
3x Scimitar Jetbikes - (Nate Taylor, Greying Legion)
6x Scimitar Jetbikes - (Christopher Lee, Ruinstorm Painting)
5x Ebon KeshigTerminators - (Robert Cutrell, The Remembrancer’s Retreat Podcast)
1x MKIIB Land Raider - (Robert Cutrell, The Remembrancer’s Retreat Podcast)
5x Falcon’s Claws - (Robert Cutrell, The Remembrancer’s Retreat Podcast)
1x Lightning Strike Fighter - (Chase Montambo)
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