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Some cool new miniatures on the release list from Mierce Miniatures for July being released this Saturday July 6th. Those werewulfas are most likely on my list to order. Definitely will work well with Wulfrics Pack or Werewulf warriors.

New from Mierce Miniatures

New Releases for July 2019
We're determined to release new miniatures a little more regularly than previously, so here's July's releases, hot on the heels of June's!

Hunter Hrōr
Whilst the original Hrōr is a cracking sculpt and doesn't need resculpting, we thought it would be best if Bob Płociennik resculpted him anyway as he didn't really fit the style of the new guys. As well as that, resculpting him meant Bob could give him a bow to ensure Hunter Hrōr became a reality!

Thurgis, Werwulf Wiglere
Des Hanley's artwork for Thurgis, a werwulf sorcerer known as a Werwulf Wiglere, is superb and an easy job for Bob Płociennik. The result is fantastic, we think you'll agree!

The werwulfas - with the honourable exception of the original Hrōr - were not the best sculpts in the world so they were near the top of our resculpt list. Bob Płociennik took up that thrown down gauntlet and worked wonders with Danny Cruz's artwork to produce the fantastic new Sigewulf's Pack, Werwulf Hunter Unit, werwulfas armed with bows and a bad attitude!

The unit contains Sigewulf, the champion of the unit, and four warriors - Acca, Osulf, Dunwulf and Behrtmaer.

Khthones Sávrakontar Support Starter Host
With the release of the Sávrakontar it would be rude not to release the Khthones Sávrakontar Support Starter Host at the same time, so here it is! Comprising Ákontar Eikovra as its leader, a unit of ten Sávrakontar and a unit of three Szalamandra, this support starter host packs much-needed ranged punches for the Khthones.

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