In most games it becomes important make certain that the chess game of getting your charge in is vital to close or melee combat. This often leads to a chess game of movement as each would rather have their charge bonus than not.

Anytime you are moving in the Genesys Project you may claim your movement bonus. This does not instantly stop, but continues to give...... This means both squads that are moving across the table at each other will gain their charging bonus when they finally clash into each other.

Well thats all find and dandy, but how do you even reach melee combat in the Genesys Project? Remember that movement bonus I was talking about for Charging. A movement bonus is gained by moving a certain number of inches across the tabletop. If you are moving fast, you are going to get a movement bonus. This movement bonus applies also not just to your charge, but to your evasion bonus for moving quick. After all a moving target is much harder to hit than a stationary one. So how does this work?

Anything moving over 6" will get a movement bonus
Bonuses for Movement are as follows:
Movement of 0”-6” = +0 Bonus
Movement of 7”-12” = +1 Bonus
Movement of 13”-18” = +2 Bonus
Movement of 19”-24” = +3 Bonus

So a squad charging across the field moving 12" would receive a +1 evasion bonus to their combat situation if they are shot at. They also will receive a +1 Charge bonus to their combat situation when they finally charge into melee combat. If your opponent had moved 9" during his last movement, he/she would also gain a +1 Charge Bonus, equaling a +1 for each of you during the combat situation.

Also for reference... an average model is going to be generally moving up to 9", while a horse for instance might be moving 12-15" depending upon the horse.

Like what your seeing... We have spent the last 6 years working hard on the rules for the Genesys Project. While creating a faction is the one of the biggest draws to the game, the rules for playing the game have been invested heavily into to create a rich and interactive gaming experience.

Check us out.... We go to Kickstarter July 12th at 12pm EST

Stay tuned for a lot more this week.

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