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Warpath has been kicking it hard, and is now in their final week of their kickstarter. They already have surpassed what I had figured they would several times over, and the new items keep appearing. A new faction is here, number 6 now, along with some nice looking models. Yea, I am picking some of these up.

Warpath Kickstarter

2,489 backers
$334,061 pledged of $25,000 goal
5 days to go

via Mantic Games
Final Week....
It’s the final week of the Warpath Kickstarter - and we think you all want to know what's coming next.

As you know, we want to fund a sixth faction – the GCPS – and two hard plastic vehicles. One for the Asterians, and one that will cover both the GCPS and the Plague.

We’ve been asking for your feedback over the last week as to which of these to do first, and with that taken into account, we’ve decided to go for that sixth faction.

We believe this is the best way to bring more backers in now, and kick-off the week in style.

So, with that in mind, let’s introduce the GCPS!

Walking with Giants
Exciting stuff!

We’ve broken through our latest stretch goal, allowing us to fund the Ajax Siege Strider – a new variant on the Strider armed with a Defender Shield, extra armour and the Grav-Ram Spear. This device works a lot like a pneumatic drill, punching holes through vehicle and fortifications.

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