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November 7th (pre-orders?), or November 14th (release), looks they will be big dates for us. The Horus Heresy- Stand-along box set is likely going to hit the shelves. We have heard lots of rumors, like there won't be pre-orders, a look at leaked pictures of sprues, and much more. Here is the latest about stores being told to keep this date clear.

via a reader on Faeit 212
My local FLGS just posted this:

"According to my account manager at Games Workshop there is a, "big release" on November 14th but doesn't yet know what it is. We are, at this stage, simply being told to keep that day clear of other hobby related activity in the store. As you know, we are not allowed to give any product related information in advance of embargo dates and I'm complying with that, I think."

"Based on the rumours that have been circulating for some months now it seems a fair bet that November 14th might be a good release date for a Horus Heresy box set, were such a thing to exist. All speculation on my part you understand. I get most of my new release information from my customers"

Previous information that is reliable.
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