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What's On Your Table- To send in your projects send to up to 7 images.

I have been working on my Armies on Parade project for a little over a month now. This Landraider is one of my best projects to date.  I love the way it turned out.  The lava look on the board turned out better than I had imagined as well.  My first attempt had my daughters cat drop a hairball on it overnight.  Everyone's a critic.  So I cleaned it up and started fresh, and came up with this pattern...which then found its way onto the landraider, some bikes, terminators...In fact I think my entire CSM army will have this look to it now.  Tomorrow I will see if all my work has paid off.
Hope you all enjoy the pics.

Keep up the great work. As always, love the site.

SSG. David “E-Z” Ezell

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