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Taking a good look at the new box sets for the Tau, a good look at the sprues and box of the Tau Tidewall and the rules for the Infiltration Burning Dawn Box. Also a set of first impressions for the new Tau releases from the Community Site.

Fire Warriors Opening + 3 Missions Revealed,warhammer-40-000-tau-empire-bilder-burning-dawn-missionen-fire-warriors-kit,id46630.html

Tau Tidewall Rampart Opening,warhammer-40-000-sternenreich-tau-bilder-tidewall-rampart-gussrahmen-regeln,id46614.html

Tau Infiltration Cadre Burning Dawn Rules,warhammer-40-000-sternenreich-tau-bilder-infiltration-cadre-burning-dawn-regeln,id46610.html

First Impressions from Rhamnus
1. Tidewall Rampart First Impressions
2. Tau Crisis Command Coldstar First Impressions

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