Hey there, been a couple of weeks.

PP finally came out of their holiday slumber by revealing an amazing model for an as yet unrevealed new light Myrmydon for the Retribution of Scyrah faction!

 "Commissioned for Garryth, Blade of Retribution, Moros is a quick and agile myrmidon that strikes using its dual curved blades with the deadliness of an assassin. Its unique power field renders Moros invisible to the naked eye and can be manipulated to lash out and stun potential victims. For many of the Retribution’s enemies, the low hum of Moros’ energy field is the last sound ever heard."

The text suggests a high speed stat, stealth, and some sort of forfeit move/action ability. Also, since this beauty is Garryth's character jack, I'd put even money on seeing plenty of mage slaying goodness when its rules release!

Check out the 3d rotation view here.
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