Demand for a lot of things tends to always be underestimated, and the fear that the Betrayal at Calth box game will run out early is being very realistic. This looks like it might be high on the list for a lot of people to get a hold of. …
Dropfleet Commander Kickstarter Update- Shaltari Starter Set!

Hawk Wargames has just updated their kickstarter again with information and a break down of the latest stretch goals and add-ons. Here is the latest information. …
More Limited Exclusive Rules- The Tau Tidewall Counterstrike Cadre

Today Games Workshop released to pre-orders the individual Tau Tidewall segments and a new formation that includes the Tau Tidewall. The Tau Tidewall is really a beautiful model, and gives us some insight that we might get some new xenos fortifications in the future. However, once again we are gett…
Tau Tidewall and Seraphon Pre-Orders for AoS

This week's pre-order list is a big one for Games Workshop. It includes a the Tau Tidewall segments, and a full set of repacks for the Age of Sigmar. Well, its finally here and Lizardmen are not dead. It's one of those huge fears that GW created with the End Times and the birth of the Age of Sigmar…
What's On Your Table: Helbrute
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to …
Eternal Crusade Updates: Melta Bombs, Storm Bolters and More.
Storm Bolters and Melta Bombs are coming. I definitely have needed these in the past!!! There are other updates that should help the game as well. …
Dropfleet Commander Surpasses Expectations. New Updates

Already this kickstarter has surpassed what the Hawk Wargames team envisioned. They were cautious and hopeful, and I think they are completely surprised by the amount of support this project has. There are two updates, the first included more Admiral level pledges..... and Im sorry but I know who w…
Dropfleet Commander Kickstarter------ Funded!!!! In less than an hour
Its been live for less than an hour and its already funded!!!!!! Just wow. Jump on over quickly and check it out!!! I was literally out of the house less than an 45 minutes and then bammm it was launched and funded faster than I could log in this morning. Check out these beautiful models!!!! …
Solar Auxilia + Imperial Fists and Alpha Legion Transfer Sheets

New from Forgeworld this week are new Solar Auxilia and transfer sheets for Imperial Fists and Alpha Legions. All are pre-orders, and the Solar Auxilia are loaded to the hilt with power axes. …
Are you ready for the return of the Tau?

Hey everyone, Reecius here from Frontline Gaming to talk about preparing yourself for the coming of the Greater Good! …
What's On Your Table: Daemon Prince

What's On Your Table: To Submit your work send up to 8 images to Here's one of my more recent projects - Daemon Prince Hakanor, master of the Chaos Warband Hakanor's Reavers. This was a fun experiment with lighting - I figured if the Reavers themselves had armour that cracked and me…
Dropfleet Commander Kickstarter Updates!!!!!

Here is the latest update from Hawk Wargames regarding their kickstarter.......Expect this kickstarter to start off tomorrow around 2pm GMT. …
Question about Raven Guard and Kauyon Rules.
A question and answer from a reader to Forgeworld regarding the new Kauyon rules for Raven Guard. …
Betrayal at Calth Unboxing...
That was fast, and now everything is out. A full unboxing a great look at the new board game from Games Workshop is hitting. This really shows just about everything you need to see for the game. Updated:.... The pics removed from the original site just a few moments ago. There are all over now thou…
Leaked Images Reveal Box Contents and Close Ups of the Sprues

Images from the box of Betrayal at Calth show us the full contents of the box. This is what is in there, including only 1 Contemptor. Its fully listed with a total of 38 miniatures. There are lots of close up pics of the sprues here. …
Battlefleet Gothic: Armada- Ork Screenshots

Battlefleet Gothic: Armada has some new screenshots showing off a 40k favorite.... Orks! Nothing like an Ork ship ramming its opponents. …
What's On Your Table: 30k Night Lords
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, email up to 8 images to The club I go to has been bitten by the 30k bug hard in the last couple of months. Ever since I read the Night Lords trilogy I’ve always wanted a 30k NL army and when I read the Terror Assault RoW I had guidelines t…
New Facelift: The Black Library and Warhammer Digital

The Black Library/ Warhammer Digital have had a new facelift. Go over and check it out. …
War Zone Damocles: Kauyon Unvieled

It seems that the latest War Zone has already arrived for some lucky people, and the images are now starting to flow. check them out below. …
Betrayal At Calth: Contemptor Leaked Image +
The Contemptor Dreadnought looks like a very static design compared to what we are used to, but hey, this is a board game. There are lots of cool things in here, and the weapon load outs are visible on the sprues we saw earlier and the image found below. …
Dropfleet Commander

Dropfleet Commander is just a few days away.... Friday!!!!! For some reason my newsletters stopped coming, so I am behind a day on the latest Dropfleet. Now we get to see the pledge levels and what will be offered in the days to come. Definitely getting excited for this!!!!! …
Imperial Armour 11 Eldar Corsair Rules

Now these are really interesting, especially the Eldar Vampire Raider being a Lord of War. Lots of cool things here, and right now I am grabbing coffee and doing some reading. …
Some White Dwarf Leaked Images in English

Just a quick update on a few bits that are out there. Some White Dwarf Leaks in English, and of course a translated hint for next week. …
What's On Your Table: World Eaters
What's On Your Table: to submit your work, email up to 8 images to I originally started it as a painting experiment. I couldn't paint reds or golds very well, and so I decided that the best way to learn was to paint an army using those colours. So being a fan of chaos (6k+ death gua…
Leaked Images: Betrayal At Calth and Contents of the Game!!!
The contents and details of the this game are now out, Lord of War have come through with the contents and to clear up a lot of what is being said about the release. Did I mention there are also pictures!!! Very cool. Definitely check out the latest on Betrayal of Calth. …
Betrayal at Calth: The Latest... Pricing and Training for Stores
Yes, I am digging and looking for any information that will confirm exactly what this is.... a board game or a full on tabletop mini's game release. The latest information I have though is not yet definitive, and exactly as I get the info.... I will be on it and let you know what we are looking at.…
Betrayal at Calth: Board Game with no rules for Xenos

I know a lot of us are really looking forward to the rumored Horus Heresy game being supported in GW stores. This release though, rumored for November 7th, looks like it's just the box set that we have been hearing about. Here is the latest information coming out now..... most likely from the black…
Black Boxes Arriving- Horus Heresy?

Today I have heard a report of Black Boxes arriving in stores. The oddity is that a Contemptor Dreadnought was inside. The Horus Heresy is coming it seems, and already people are getting ready. …
Leaked Images- WD Seraphon Cover/releases, Forgeworld Corsairs, and Tau Tidewall
There are leaked images out for this week's pre-orders from Games Workshop, including the cover for the new book Seraphon, the new repacks, and the broken down Tau Fortifications. Definitely worth checking out is the Forgeworld sections which include the Skatach Wraithknight, Corsair Jetbike upgrad…
What's On Your Table: Chaos Warband
What's On Your Table- To send in your projects send to up to 7 images. I have been working on my Armies on Parade project for a little over a month now. This Landraider is one of my best projects to date. I love the way it turned out. The lava look on the board turned out better t…
Full Release List Verified for This Week

Now we have the full list with release dates, prices, etc. Once again its a big list out here for this week. …
This Week's Pre-Orders from GW...... It's a Big List

It's a Massive list of repacks, many moving to direct only. Of course there is also the Battletome Seraphon, and Tau Tidewall fortifications (just a break down of the Tidewall Rampart). Its a big list, with no Betrayal of Calth in it. So this is the quiet before the storm. …
GW Confirms!!! The Betrayal at Calth is Coming!!!!
The Betrayal at Calth Miniatures game has been revealed by Games Workshop!!!! That's right, the Horus Heresy game we have been talking about for months. …
Kauyon Leaked Images and Information. White Scars and Raven Guard

A lot of information has been flowing today, and you can find both the White Scars and Raven Guard information out of the Kauyon Campaign book just about in every corner of the internet today. Here are a couple locations that you can get all the information for both the Space Marine chapters that a…
Another War Zone Damocles and Rumors for Next Week!
Rumors are going around for next week, including more Tau Scenery releases, a Seraphon Repack, and future releases for Damocles. …
Eternal Crusade Winners. The Final Round
I want to give a huge thanks to the Eternal Crusade Team, especially Nathan, Katie, and Garrett, who helped put this together with the Captains Codes. I dont have to tell you that they donated a large amount of codes for us, 10 in all. I hope they found some of our suggestions worth their effort. …
Huge Number of Tau Codex Leaks in English.
I have not even begun to dig through all this yet, but there are tons of leaks now on the web for you to check out.... There are lots here, and I will be digging through as I get the chance today. This all came a day earlier than I had figured. …
A Hint to the Fate of the Missing Lizardmen
Lizardmen may not quite yet go the way of the Dinosaurs. There has been a sighting of a new Skink Box!!!!! …
Lizardmen Vanished.... Mass Extinction? or Repack?

Where did all the Lizardmen go? Quite literally the only thing left under the Lizardmen heading is their Warscroll Compendium. A total repack is most likely the candidate, but to have everything just simply disappear? …
The Mantle of Heroes: Tau Release Video
The Tau videos just hit in my part of the world, and its always good to see these models up close from all the angles. Also shown in the new video is the new updated Tau Codex and Special Limited Edition Codex. …
Pre-Orders are Up: Warzone Kauyon and Tau Codex Releases

Today's Pre-Orders are up, and its a big list today with the new updated Tau Codex and War Zone Damocles: Kauyon. Definitely a nice sized release today! …
Giveaway Over and done The Final Eternal Crusade Giveaway
Giveaway Over and done We have given away 6 codes now, and there are 4 left. Today is the final day of the Eternal Crusade Giveaway, and I want to make sure these are given out so there is still time to play this weekend. There has been a ton of you very interested in this game and giveaway, and I…
Tau Formation - Hunter Contingent- and More from the Tau Codex

It's sometimes easy to tell when I am mobile, as it ends up I sometimes miss a release of information out there. So here is a leak from yesterday that occurred while I was on the road driving all day. So lets take a look at the latest Tau Codex Information. …
How Much is Nov 7th Going to Cost Me? Horus Heresy Pre-Order

November 7th is a big date release for Games Workshop, and it should already be marked on your calendar. Basically we are looking at a big Horus Heresy release, that rumors point to a stand alone box game. However, with all the "all hands on deck" it could be something more. Here is the latest, and…
Death from the Shadows

Today from Forgeworld we have a new the Mor Deythan Strike Squad, Raven Guard Legion Transfers, and a free Knight Scion if you purchase a Knight from Forgeworld. …
Giveaway Over and done Eternal Crusade Giveaway Number 2: Input

Giveaway Over and done I talked to two of the Eternal Crusade team a couple days ago, Nathan and Katie. The one single thing that stood out while talking to them, is that they want the communities input on what we want to see in the game. That is the whole purpose behind behind this alpha, to creat…
Do you write back stories for your armies? I Do!

Hey everyone, Reecius here form Frontline Gaming to talk about something fun: making pew pew noises with your toy soldiers! …
What's On Your Table: Inquisitorial Brute
What's On Your Table: Hi Natfka,Some time ago I've sent you inquisitorial retinue - it's my another conversion for it, Inquisitorial Brute. You may check my deviantart where I submit more conversions like this one- …
Details from This Week's White Dwarf

There is quite a a few releases coming this week from Games Workshop, and we have a few details for the them from the latest White Dwarf. The new Tau Commander, the datacards for both White Scars and Ravenguard, and much more and in the latest details. …
Tau Tidewall Rampart Review

The Tau Tidewall Rampart looks fantastic, and being the first Xenos Terrain kit it has me pretty excited to see what else GW has in store for us. I have not yet gotten to see one in person, and this has me a little wary of it, especially with a moving piece of terrain. However, my first impressions…