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Lost in the talk of the new Exalted Deathbringer, rumors mention a big Bloodthirster size kit for Khorne that is on the horizon. Well, it's important to catch these little tidbits, and as of right now it can be assumed that this will be an Age of Sigmar model, possibly even coming later this month.

Please remember that this is a rumor. Below, are two posts in the middle of an Exalted Deathbringer discussion. At first Darnok assumes the Exalted Deathbringer is the model he was told by his own sources, and then (most likely after leaks hit) realizes that the Deathbringer is not the model, and that a bloodthirster sized model for Khorne is what his sources are talking about.

via Darnok on Warseer
I was told there was a new big kit for Khorne coming. "Exalted Deathbringer" sounds about right.
Ah, okay. In that case this model is not the one I just mentioned. Think Bloodthirster size.
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