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Forgeworld has a video up this morning showing off a bunch of Horus Heresy models, books, and characters. Its a nice short video, and worth checking out.

via Forgeworld this morning
The Forge World Visual Feed brings you the very best from Forge World. You can check out the latest models in the Horus Heresy Character Series, take a look through our Imperial Armour and Horus Heresy books, even fly over the battlefield of Isstvan V.

The Forge World Visual Feed is a great way of getting an in-depth look at our models and books, and there are new videos being added all the time. Take a look at our latest video now featuring Alexis Polux - Captain of the Imperial Fists, Sevatar - Captain of the Night Lords and the Mhara Gal Tainted Dreadnought.

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