Latest News

This is what is going on in your Communty here at Faeit 212. The Community News site is often full of What's On Your Table, Battle Reports, Giveways and more. Its well worth the time to head on over and check it out.

The Faeit 212 Community News site is a self publishing news site for the community to reach a larger audience. Its goal is to provide front page access to Faeit 212 for everyone, through the feed and featured articles. So if you are interested in jumping on board, shoot me an email at

Here is the the very latest on what is going on over there.

TBMC - HD Video Batrep - 1500 Necrons Vs Imperial Guard
Hey guys, today we have another batrep for you. We have Irvin and his necrons take on Connor and his AM/IG. As always if you see and rules errors or have any questions let us know! Also check out our new giveaway on Monday we are giving away FW models. …

TBMC - New Giveaway! - FW Khorne Models
Hey guys, The Basement Collective is offering a new giveaway in anticipation for 500 subscribers on YouTube, this time around it is a Rhino with FW World Eater doors and 10 FW Khorne Beserkers. Please check out the video below for all instructions on how to enter. As always keep on wargaming!

40kaddict's 40k @ 40 Bash Battle Reports
The 40kaddict hit the big 40 the other week and there was only one sensible way to celebrate - spend the entire day with your mates playing toy soldiers! Thankfully it was the wife's idea and she even threw in a highly coveted trophy [beat that Tabletop's Wil Wheaton] and 40 whole English Pounds in

What's On Your Table: A Bloody Mess
What's OnYour Table: My client and buddy of mine said you would be really interested in seeing a WIP I have going for him. Still waiting for the Night Haunter's paints to show up but I've finished the

What's On Your Table: Eldar and Salamander WIPs
What's On Your Table: Hey Natfka thought I would send a couple of work in progress shots. Last time I sent some images I sent my 30k salamanders. Since then I have been working on an Eldar army (soon to have some harlequins added.)

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