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It appears that the Lucius Pattern Warhound Titan from Forgeworld may be discontinued. Its hard to tell, as I have been given two different responses from Forgeworld, that say two different things. One was very specific though, that the titan is being discontinued.

Here is what was said.

via the guys from Tykensrift
I saw your article on Faeit212 about the Lucius Pattern Warhound Titan and felt it was worth mentioning that I contacted Forge World about this a few weeks ago and got this response:

So it appears that they're giving out conflicting information.

the Response via Forgeworld
Thank you for your email.  The Lucius Pattern Warhound titan has been discontinued along with the Inferno cannon.  They were removed from the website once the last of them had been sold off."

Here is another response from Forgeworld regarding the disappearance of the Lucius Pattern Warhound that was shared a few days ago here

Forgeworld's Response
Thanks for your email and we do appreciate your interest. At the moment we are unable to provide accurate information when it comes to this. When it comes back into stock we will let you know through our newsflash.

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