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A very extensive Tomb Kings army is up tonight for What's On Your Table

Hi Natfka,
yesterday I just finished the last model for my Tomb King Army (I started the Army 10 months ago), and I'd like to share some pictures in your "What's On Your Table?" section. It's 4000 playable points big and probably the biggest diffrence to other Tomb King armies: I don't have any chariots in my army :D . Why? Because I just love to shoot (at least with Tomb Kings), and with 85 bowmen, thats a lot of shoots espacially with Ptras Incantation of Righteous Smiting (170 Shoots, then I always must think of a line from the movie 300: "Our arrows will blot out the sun."). And so it's no wonder I chose Queen Khalida as my armies main character. But my favorite shooting units are my 9 Sepulchral Stalkers. Should my opponent field any kind of monster, it's dead the moment my Stalkers come up. One unit of 3 even killed a Demonprince single-handedly in one shootingphase. And if the enemy survives the rain of arrows, my Spearmen and/or Tombguard and/or Bonegiants and/or Spinxes take care of the rest (depends on how many points I play). Or I bury half my army under the sand and let them come up behind my enemy, my favorite feature with the Tomb Kings (even if it's unreliable :D ).
I hope the pictures are okay and that you like what you see.

Thanks and best regards

Army Composition:
High Queen Khalida
2 Tomb Kings/Princes
2 Liche High Priests/Liche Priests
1 Necrotect
1 Tomb Herald BSB

85 Skeleton Archers
40 Skeleton Spearmen
16 Skeleton Horse Archers

40 Tomb Guards
6 Necropolis Knights
3 Tomb Scorpions
9 Sepulchral Stalkers
2 Khemrian Warsphinxes

2 Necrolith Colossus
2 Necrospinxes
2 Caskets of Souls
2 Screaming Skull Catapults

What's on your table is an opportunity for readers to share what they are working on. Conversions, painting, batreps, even side home brew projects. If you want to Share "What's On Your Table". Please no more than 8 pics, send your project to If for any reason you do not want your name used, please say so.

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