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Being Black Friday and the beginning of the last week of the Fallen Frontiers kickstarter, Scale Games is giving away free items at each of their levels of support. From scenic bases, additional heroes, and resin scenary, check it out.

You can also check out the latest announcements and more on Fallen Frontiers on the Faeit 212 Community site, where you can sign up for their newsletter and stay up to date with the latest.

This project is already funded and continues to push past its many stretch goals.

Hello everyone,
Fallen Frontiers is heading into its last week of funding, so let’s kick it off with a bang!

As some of you may have noticed, we are not doing Black Friday deals today, but instead we are having our own special day: Black Feeday!

To thank all of you for your generous support, we are giving out FREE stuff to all people who pledged at the Assault Trooper level or higher, and the higher level you pledged, the more goodies you get!

Now then, who gets what FREE goodies?

Assault Trooper = 5x Scenic Bases
Faction = 5x Scenic Bases + 1x Hero
Battle Squad = 5x Scenic Bases + 1x Hero + 1x Resin Scenery
Elite Squad = 5x Scenic Bases + 2x Hero + 2x Resin Scenery
Commander = 10x Scenic Bases + 3x Hero + 3x Resin Scenery

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