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These are very cool mats made by Frontline Gaming for Dropzone Commander. It was back in May when it was first suggested by Reece (Frontline Gaming) to David Lewis (Hawk Wargames), that this could happen, and now its a reality. These are official mats for the game, and the new FAT Mat looks fantastic. Of course they are only up for pre-orders right now.

While this above is an official picture, I have some other images you can check out of the new mats. These are 4x4 mats, which are perfect for your standard games. I can imagine that at the Las Vegas Open there will be lots of these there for the event.

There are more new FAT Mats as well to check out on their site.

Now if you just happen to see some wrecked buildings on those pics, those are made by Green Stuff Industries.

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