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Here is the results of a 9 month project working on an Eldar Phantom Titan with two Revenants.

Heya Natfka,
Long time reader, first time emailer. As the dust finally settles on a massive 9 month project, I would like to share the results with you. It started off as your every day run of the mill commission for an Eldar Ulthwe Phantom Titan (that’s hyperbole - it only happens once or twice a day, tops! ;-) ) and it quickly escalated. I had the Revenant with the Pulsars in my own collection collecting dust and I painted it as a test piece. However it’s head wasn’t worth the effort salvaging, and so I got the second Revenant with Sonic Lances for my birthday (Revenant’s now come with both head options!) 

Every single piece of each Titan was painted individually and then glued together at the end. What this lead to was having three large tupperware boxes slowly becoming filled with dozens and dozens of completed pieces and then these moments of sheer glory and jubilation as these pieces quickly formed these three massive finished models! 

This project has definitely helped me come out of my shell and throw off my hermit gown as half way through I joined Twitter and Twitter-Blogged (or Twogged) the closing stretch of the marathon! It was at this point that I thought about Armies On Parade as a final last conclusion for this triple threat Eldar Titan project. The board itself only took a week, but I was also finishing off the Phantom at the same time, and the great community on Twitter helped me get through that last tiring week! 

So, I could go on and on, but I don’t want to bore your readers any further! Not when there are pictures! 

If yourself or the readers are interested and not totally Eldar’d out, hundreds more photos and literally thousands of other miniature photos can be found at my website and continuing my brave rampage into the outside world of social media, a video of the finished Armies On Parade display can be found at - my first ever miniature movie! 

Keep up the great work keeping all of us up to date with the latest gossip and news,and I’m waiting with anticipation for some new Necrons to wake up!!


PS. Massive thanks to my clients for trusting me with such humongous projects, their patience and also letting me borrow them briefly afterwards to take cool photos! 

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