Latest News

A new site called the Faeit 212 Community News was launched this last week. If you have not had a chance to head over there and check out what is going on, this is an excellent chance to do so.

What is the Faeit 212 Community Site? 
There are always a lot of events, Battle Reports, Tournaments, Kickstarters and Giveaways that this site has not been able to cover properly. Faeit 212 Community News is designed to handle that problem. It has a constant feed on the upper right hand corner of the site, and is often featured in the slider above.

So if you are looking for more news and events in our hobby, this is the place to look.

And if you have an event you would like to see get onto the Community Site, please let me me know by shooting me an email, and we can get started.

Tau vs. Dark Angels: A Highlander Battle Report
Tau vs. Dark Angels: A Highlander Battle Report
Hello wargamers, Invasive Rhamnus here again. This week I'm sharing an 1850 point battle report between Tau and Dark Angels, but there's a twist: we're using the Highlander format. …

Second Giveaway Live Now...
Second Giveaway Live Now...
The second giveawway is live now over on Allies of Convenience, but hurry it is only open for another 4 hours, so head over now in order to win, "The Greater Good" by Sandy Mitchell.

Cinematic battle report movie!
Cinematic battle report movie!
Hey guys, My name is Dean Sinnbeck and I run a facebook based blog called Blog For The Blog God, it is a Khorne themed 40k blog with everything from Tactical articles, unit reviews, modeling tutorials and much much more! …

Las Vegas Open Warmachine and Hordes Update!
Las Vegas Open Warmachine and Hordes Update!
It's Vegas, Baby! …

SN Battle Reports  (Blood Angels Vs Daemons of Khorne) 
SN Battle Reports (Blood Angels Vs Daemons of Khorne)
Warhammer 40,000 Battle Report #6 (Blood Angels Vs Daemons of Khorne) When death came to the planet Bericad it came suddenly. Blood seeped from the very earth, the sky turned a reddish hue & from the shadows came the daemons of Khorne. Within days several hives were turned into charnel houses as th…

Apocalypse on Ordel V – Battle Report!
Apocalypse on Ordel V – Battle Report!
Hey guys and gals, my little blog ( ) is featuring the big Battle Report from our latest Apocalypse game. Please stop by, check it out, and leave a comment if you are inclined. …

Tau Remoras: The Kings of Keepaway?
Tau Remoras: The Kings of Keepaway?
Hello, Wargamers. I'm Invasive Rhamnus and I host a youtube channel covering Tau, Tyranids, and Blood Angels tactica, battle reports, and hobby. Theres also a little bit of Wood Elves sprinkled in there for good measure for those of us who enjoy right angles on our bases. This week, I take a look …

Christmas Giveaway
Christmas Giveaway
Zarak here from Allies of Convenience. We are hosting our Christmas giveaway in the coming weeks, and as there are 5 Saturdays till Christmas,  there will be 5 more giveaways, with over $115 worth of prizes to be won. …

ROOT\G: your next strategy boardgame!
ROOT\G: your next strategy boardgame!
4thwar is proud to announce that a new kickstarter is live! In R.O.O.T.\G: board game two or three players compete to reassemble the electronic board of the ancient Cube. Players place tiles in turns and build up circuits trying to reach their secret objective. Each tile may modify the speed of eac…

Tabletop Tactics Launch: Battle Reports and Tactica Incoming
Tabletop Tactics Launch: Battle Reports and Tactica Incoming
Announcing the launch of Tabletop Tactics: An Internet and YouTube based TV channel dedicated to tabletop wargaming with a focus on Warhammer 40,000. We specialise in Battle Reports, Painting Tutorials and general tactics. …

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