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The Shield of Baal: Deathstorm boxset is now up for pre-orders. its the second installment of the Shield of Baal campaign, coming with 25 miniatures, a 40pg campaign supplement, and a small format rulebook with Blood Angels on the cover.

Shield of Baal: Deathstorm $125

via Games Workshop
Shield of Baal: Deathstorm contains the Blood Angels Strike Force Deathstorm, and the Tyranids’ Phodian Annihilation Swarm. The Blood Angels are led by Captain Karlaen - a brand new Space Marine Terminator Captain, whilst the Tyranids are led by The Spawn of Cryptus - a brand new Tyranid Broodlord model. Both of these miniatures are currently only available in this set.

Also included is a 40-page campaign supplement containing:
- the Fate of Phodia: the story of the desperate and violent battle between the Blood Angels Strike Force Deathstorm and the Tyranid bio-horrors of the Phodian Annihilation Swarm
- a set of three themed missions that enable you to re-enact the pivotal engagements of the Deathstorm Campaign
- full rules for Captain Karlaen of the Blood Angels 1st Company, the Broodlord known as the Spawn of Cryptus, and all of the units contained in the box
- complete lists of all of the Blood Angels wargear and Tyranid weapons and biomorphs needed to play through this campaign
- descriptions of the Tyranids special rules and psychic powers used in Deathstorm
- a handy reference page that makes it easy to find the rules whilst playing games.

Also includes a small-format paperback copy of Warhammer 40,000: The Rules featuring an exclusive Blood Angels cover.

This box set contains 25 Citadel miniatures, including: 1 Blood Angels Terminator Captain, 1 Furioso Dreadnaught, 5 Death Company Space Marines, 5 Space Marine Terminators, 1 Broodlord, 8 Genestealers, 3 Tyranid Warriors and 1 Carnifex. It also includes a Deathstorm transfer sheet, 1 Dreadnaught Base, 6 x 40mm Round Bases, 5 x 32mm Round Bases, 9 x 25mm Round Bases, 3 x 50mm Round Bases, 1 x 105mm Oval Base and 1 x 75mm Oval Base.
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