Suddenly this morning, all the Bretonnia Knights and models are back on the Games Workshop webstore. This includes the Army Book, and answers the question to whether or not a new book is coming soon. 
It also answers other questions beyond a new armybook, like are they going away (being squatted). So the answer is no, Bretonnians are not going anywhere, and expect no book in the near future. Although rumors are still abound that a new army book will be here in 2015, these are still rumors.

The Endtimes is Games Workshop's primary focus with Warhammer Fantasy, and combining armies is the current trend, and I dont see this ending any time soon with future Endtimes Book release. Its a simple formula really, Bretonnia models need to be available once the army is combined with others. 

So both good news and bad I suppose. Bretonnia is still here, and involved with the Endtimes.

Check it out yourself.
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