The Dark Angels Codex Supplement is available now for preorders and if you are looking to see just what is in there and what people are saying.... here are a few good video reviews to check out of the new book. …
The Dark Angels Codex Supplement is available now for preorders and if you are looking to see just what is in there and what people are saying.... here are a few good video reviews to check out of the new book. …
No new preorders coming this week from Games Workshop but they will be doing some reveals, like the upcoming schedule for Warhammer Underworlds with new Warbands. Here is a look at what is ahead.…
What's On Your Table- Its a new year and we have many projects to show off. If you would like to submit what you have on your hobby tables.... send up to 8 pics or a short video and send it in to natfka@live.comPhoenix terminators for 40k with a terminator sorcerer valdor proxy!…
Out this morning from Games Workshop.... Dark Angel Preorders!Also for preorders this week:Primaris A company of heroesSpace Marine Storm SpeederPrimaris Eradicators and Bladeguard VeteransNecron PsychomancerWarhammer Underworlds Khagra's Ravagers…
The Makers Cult is on a roll with this months releases and I am loving the Prometheus Juggernauts they have going. There are lots here to see... and generally their monthly releases come in 2-3 waves during the month. As the Makers Cult often does vehicles and Infantry of all kinds, these guys are …
What's On Your Table- Its a new year and we have many projects to show off. If you would like to submit what you have on your hobby tables.... send up to 8 pics or a short video and send it in to natfka@live.comI made this lelith kitbash before the new model reveal, but there were already rumors so …
The Oldburg Fallen Ones are coming in a few short days. These will bring a fully modular set of Skeletal Warriors to the your games for 3D Printing! This is an exciting addition to the Artisan Guild Patreon releases and a good addition to my personal Stl miniature library.…
Khagra's Ravagers are available tomorrow for preorders, so lets take a look at WarCom's introduction to how they work with the Desecration of objectives.…
Crusade Rules are below for Dark Angels hunting the Fallen. …
Drukhari are coming and personally I can't wait. However there has been some new box art that has been seen for Adeptus Mechanicus. This is very much likely an solid indicator that they have a codex coming very soon. Especially with so much new artwork being done.…
An interesting Kickstarter with some nice magnetized movement trays from our friends …
What's On Your Table- Its a new year and we have many projects to show off. If you would like to submit what you have on your hobby tables.... send up to 8 pics or a short video and send it in to natfka@live.comI like the idea of the squiggoth but not keen on the model and I liked the maw Krusha. M…
REVELATIONS AND EXODUS PREVIEWThe Genesys Project takes you deep into alternative modern and sci-fi settings to create your faction in a an Alternative or Dystopian Society for your creation. In this way you can can create Militaristic Martial Societies, Steampunk, Technocratic, and even a Cyberpunk…
Taking a look into the new Codex Supplement coming to preorders this weekend Ravenwing is up with some new rules while maintaining some of the old.…
A Dance with Vampires. Not the top of my aesthetics, but that centerpiece display? whoa. I do like some of this set with the Victorian theme. I will have to dig into this one more and see the individual models a little bit more.…
A very cool preview here. As can be seen you can model your Mech pilot standing up with both hatches open in a rather Titanfall style opening. Very cool!+ there is a video at the bottom showing it all being done!…
The last wave of The Makers Cult 3D Patreon has been released and with that everything is getting ready for the next month. You can see there was quite a bit of releases hitting for January and like always a great month from The Makers Cult.…
With new models coming out for the Lumineth Realm-Lords GW is giving us a little preview of what it is these new spirits are. Here is some cool artwork and some lore info.…
The biggest Titan for Adeptus Titanicus the Warmaster Titan comes with a massive loadout of weapons and has a point costs more than two Warlord Titans.…
This is an odd one as it looks Tyranid but look at what was captioned with the image.…
What's On Your Table- Its a new year and we have many projects to show off. If you would like to submit what you have on your hobby tables.... send up to 8 pics or a short video and send it in to natfka@live.comIt's been 6 months since I last sent something in. I always get a bit reluctant because …
Bestariums 3D Patreon is complete and ready to go with lots of demonic forces, possessed monstrosities, and some great looking modular warriors. …
The rules team over at GW has new FAQs up for the Age of Sigmar. Seems to be quite a bit in here.…
Warhammer 40,000 the App has updates for Death Guard rules, Imperial Knights, and Chaos Knights. See what is going on with a list of the latest patch notes.A critical note here is that these updates might delete some of your lists!…
A great preview of what we are going to be seeing this weekend in the Dark Angels codex supplement. …
What's On Your Table- Its a new year and we have many projects to show off. If you would like to submit what you have on your hobby tables.... send up to 8 pics or a short video and send it in to natfka@live.comHere’s what I’ve been working on lately! My thousand sons needed some big guns so I picke…
Kromlech has some very cool new releases coming this week that should be mentioned.…
I printed a few of these up on my Anycubic Photon S and is normal with printing files from The Makers Cult these were a dream to print on many levels. …
Coming next week is a whole lot of Dark Angels and Space Marines. A little Warhammer Underworlds- Direchasm, and some Blood Bowl.…
It has begun. We will be updating throughout the show. First up though..... Adepta Sororitas Paragon Warsuit.Starting with a Sisters of Battle, here is what we have seenWarhammer 40,000 Adepta Sororitas Paragon WarsuitKill Team - Pariah Nexus ExpansionAdeptus Titanicus Warmaster Heavy TitanWarhamme…
Is it Christmas again? Wow, check out the latest previews from Archvillain Games for their 3D Patreon. This is a preview for their February release on the 3D Patreon. …
I've been patiently waiting for this one...... If you want to know the possibilities of what can happen to our miniature hobby with some talented, creative, and motivated people, this is the place to check out. I plan on printing the crap out of this one. Fully modular, posable, with access to custo…
The Broken Realms Teclis teaser went up earlier today and its time to take aim at Nagash…
Looks like the Sisters of Battle will be making an appearance tomorrow. …
A new Space Marine kit coming in before the end of the month just in case you felt left out in the cold. Bladeguard Veterans have a great look to them and apparently a ton of options included on the sprues that are shown below. Definitely check them out. …
What's On Your Table- Its a new year and we have many projects to show off. If you would like to submit what you have on your hobby tables.... send up to 8 pics or a short video and send it in to natfka@live.comAn addition to my Flesh Tearers army although I suspect he wouldn’t be welcomed on the ta…
February is coming and so are the new 3D Patreon releases. This one is so modular that its hard to see this not working for most people.…
Lord of the Print has a February release preview today. Lord of the Print is your 3D printing dragon specialists. So many fantastic dragons on his Patreon.…
Para-Bellum new releases that are coming in February. Most excellent.…
Here is the next tease for the reveal on Saturday!Im supposing this is a Kill Team entry. What do you think?…
The 2nd wave is released for the Makers Cult 3D print Patreon. This has a walker I am eager to print up and get onto the tabletop. There is some other goodies in here as well. Valour Korps - Walker Feudal Guard - Aftermath Dark Techno - Engine…
What's On Your Table- Its a new year and we have many projects to show off. If you would like to submit what you have on your hobby tables.... send up to 8 pics or a short video and send it in to natfka@live.com…
Updated: This looks like we have a winner on what will be the reveal for the weekend. A huge thanks to Siph for posting up in the comments and sending in thoughts.It looks like something big is coming Adeptus Titanicus this weekend. The above image is our first clue on what it could be. Any ideas? …
The big question I think on peoples minds about this upcoming reveal on Saturday morning is the mystery game. Is it going to be an existing game or we will see the return of some of the more loved games that feel like they have been missing from our lives for too long. Lets look at some speculation.…
Here is a look at what is coming down the line for Warhammer Underworlds. New factions and hints that we will most likely see results from during this weekend's big reveal. March: Starblood Stalkers: The Seraphon that we have seen before.April: Soulbright Gravelords- Seen the beginning of with the …
What's On Your Table- Its a new year and we have many projects to show off. If you would like to submit what you have on your hobby tables.... send up to 8 pics or a short video and send it in to natfka@live.comTeaching myself to use my new H&K airbrush on my Nurgle Blood Bowl team before painting m…
Behold the Ice Queen has Arrived. This is part of the Patreon loyalty rewards of being a part of the Archvillain Patreon for 6 consecutive months....... dang... means I might reach this one in April. Something to look forward to!…
As if on schedule when a leak comes out..... WarCom gives us a reveal. Kangaroo Elves (apparently tree runners) are here along with another odd creature. Make certain you tell us what you think.......And yes I agree with many of you... I'd be trimming the bats.…