Designer Insights to Lieutenant Tolmeron

A little Blood Angels insight today about the Lieutenant Tolmeron model from the 40k Facebook page.
The Biggest Warhammer Survey Ever

Games Workshop wants to know what you are thinking with a new survey that is rather detailed. I just completed it, and yes, it does take ...
What's On Your Table: Primaris Space Wolves

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to Hey there (love the site keep up the good wo...
A Look Into the Chapter Approved Book (video)

Purge the Alien has their Chapter Approved book open and are going through it. Here is what they have.
Raging Heroes has Some Great Deals: But they End Tomorrow.

Raging Heroes has Some Great Deals: But they End Tomorrow. The Name Your Price promotion is especially interesting.
Chapter Approved Designers Talk About the Book

A good chance to listen to what the designers of the book are saying about the Chapter Approved rules changes and more. via Warhamm...
What's On Your Table: Scourge Privateers Kharybdiss
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to Just finished a Kharybdiss for a friend of m...
Updated: Evidence of the Dark Angels Primarch Return?

The pic below was sent into me. Apparently this is from somewhere on Facebook (and its very late for me to locate where it is from). Take...
Vulkan returning to 40k?

This is for me the biggest hint yet to another Primarch returning to the 40k lore and it would make sense lore wise for Vulkan to return....
New Daemons Codex: Great Unclean One and More Seen.
These things happen on occasion, and it appears that someone caught a glimpse of the new Daemon Codex! Some things were spotted of cours...
Blood Angels Codex Preview

The Warhammer Community just released a preview of the Blood Angels codex including a look at Stratagems, Warlord Traits, and Relics.
Master of the Adeptus Custodes: Captain-General Trajann Valoris
From the Warhammer Facebook page, a reward for all the attention the community has given the Warhammer 40k Facebook page.
Necromunda Expansion Pics: Orlocks, Van Saar, Cawdor, Delaque

We've already seen mention of Gang Wars 2 coming next year, but look at these pics that came out of the Warhammer 40k Open Day event!...
This Week's Full Release List With Prices: Blood Angels and Bloodbowl...... Including The Warmaster

There is a lot here, including a new Gaunts Ghosts book from the Black Library called The Warmaster. Blood Angel fans rejoice!
White Dwarf Reveal: Malign Portents Coming In January!

Its just been revealed that Malign Portents is coming in January... as seen in the back of this months White Dwarf.
Hive Scum Coming to Necromunda

Coming to Necromunda are the Hive Scum, which will be listed in Gang War 2 next year. Love these models.
Pre-Orders Coming Next Weekend: Blood Angels + Blood Bowl

Revealed for next weekend is the Blood Angels codex + Lieutenant Tolmeron, and Blood Bowl releases.
White Dwarf reveals Lieutenants and more for Blood and Dark Angels

Along with the Codex releases this month GW is releasing Lietenants for both Blood Angels and Dark Angels. Want to know more... here are...
WH Open Day - Information and feedback

My video from my day out at Warhammer World got to speak to some of the designers and staff, learned about the progress of Rogal Dorn and...
Necromunda FW Information Coming out of 40k Open Day

There is some information that is coming out Warhammer 40,000 Open Day, and there is more coming. Here is one report from a reader that ...
Dark Angels and Primaris Marines....
Big Reveals from Warhammer 40,000 Open Day. 40k, Necromunda

Today we are getting a more details on what lies ahead of us from Games Workshop as we approach the end of the year and look ahead.
Chapter Approved Leaked Point Changes
It seems a lot of people are now getting the Chapter Approved and leaks are abound this morning. Here is a list of point costs that were...
What's On Your Table: Ultramarine Intercessor Squad

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to I hope u guys enjoy my Ultramarine collectio...
Release Dates for December: Dark Angels and Blood Angels

The release dates for both the Dark Angels and Blood Angels is here from a reader that received his/her White Dwarf a little early.
Gladius: Relics of War - New 40k Game

Brand new Warhammer 40,000 turn-based strategy game coming from Slitherine! We can battle as four races; Space Marines, Imperial Guard, O...
Chapter Approved Preview: Campaigns

The latest preview from the Warhammer Community is for Campaign gameplay.
What's On Your Table: Raptors Chapter

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to Here's a few pictures of my Raptors cha...
Chapter Approved Previews: Battlezones

Today the Warhammer Community is all about Battlezones, as in Industrial Zones or Empyric Storms, and their rules.
GW Responds to Leaks with a Full December Reveal

Games Workshop responds to the leaks on Marbo with a full December reveal! There is a lot here, so check out what is coming next month! D...
Sly Marbo Returns in December! + Updated with New Lord Felthius
He's back..... in December! Rules will come with the model.....
Chaos Land Raider Variant with Reaper Autocannons
From the video image on Warhammer TV its now apparent that there is also a Chaos Land Raider Variant in the Chapter Approved book going u...
Land Raider Variants Spotted in Chapter Approved 2017

Someone slowed this down and got the picture above from this quick video on Warhammer TV Facebook.
Chapter Approved Preview: Matched Play Updates

The Warhammer Community revealed minutes ago that matched play is getting some rules updates in the 2017 Chapter Approved book. They'...
What's On Your Table: Stormcast Eternals

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to Please find attached some pics of my first s...
What's On Your Table: Sisters

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to At the moment I’m staying at home ill… And ...
Chapter Approved 2017 Preview: New Faction Rules

The Warhammer Community is giving a Chapter Approved preview for new Faction Rules. These let us know that our previous rumors and inform...
Chapter Approved Details: Tau, Orks, and Necrons

Some additional information is here, giving us a look at Necrons, Orks, Tau, and more details regarding the TC and just how to build your...
End of the Black Rage? Future of the Blood Angels

The Devastation of Baal is out, this story is set in the current 8th Edition lore and has some really interesting insights into the Blood...
Previewing the Rules for Playing Necromunda in 3D. Gang War

Just want to make certain readers see this article over on War of Sigmar.... giving a Necromunda preview of just how games of Necromunda...
Rumour Engine Teaser this week.

This week's Rumour Engine Teaser is up! Chains and a Hand. I would sure like to say Dark Eldar, but it doesnt quite look like it. .
What's On Your Table: Deathwatch

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to Just finished this small deathwatch team, w...
What's On Your Table: Ultramarine Centurions

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to Recently completed ultramarine centurions
How big is the new Primaris Astraeus Super-Heavy Tank

Taking stock of the size of the new Primaris Super-Heavy Tank compared to the Baneblade, Land Raider, and other even the pint sized Rhino...
This Weeks Pre-Orders w/ Prices: Chapter Approved and Battleforce Box Sets

This week's pre-orders include the Chapter Approved 2017 book alongside 8 new Battleforce Boxes, 4 for 40k and 4 for AoS. Also includ...
New Forgeworld Heroes

New Heroes from Forgeworld coming soon for the Red Scorpions chapter Space Marines.
Chapter Approved 2017 Preview: 24 New Missions

The guys over at the Warhammer Community have given us another preview of the new book..... Missions. Chapter Approved 2017 is coming to ...
What's On Your Table: Armies on Parade- Skaven

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to I thought you might like to see my Armies o...
Dark Angels, Primaris War within the Chapter?

Today we talk about an upcoming Space Marine Conquest book which explores a violent clash of culture and war philosophy between the Dark ...
Chapter Approved 2017 Previews: Designing Land Raiders and Apocalypse

A couple previews are up.... (Im a little slow on them as Ive been gaming all weekend). Great news, and the scenarios look great. Hopefu...
Chapter Approved Pre-Orders Coming Next Week!

Next weekend the Chapter Approved book will be up for Pre-Orders. Fantastic news that it will be coming sooner rather than later in Decem...
What's On Your Table: Primaris Blood Angels

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to Hello Guys I'm Denis Ramos from Argenti...
A Large List of Pre-Orders This Week... Most but not all continuing from last week

There is a lot up, and still up from last week pre-orders. A ton of Necromunda releases and bundles including cards/dice/miniatures. My f...
What's On Your Table: Black Legion Kytan

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to My Black Legion Kytan (: Yes, I have a Knig...
The Hobbit FAQ's are Incoming

The Hobbit FAQ's are getting an update soon, and the Warhammer Community wants your input.