A Games Workshop Investor Meeting: A relentless profit machine
This is an interesting read, about a GW Investor meeting from the perspective of Richard Beddard, who attended one recently. There are a lot of interesting bit here.
Interesting points
-the last 5 years have been about returning the business to high levels of profitability by taking out costs.
-The company’s attitude towards customers is as clinical as its attitude towards staff. If you don’t like what it’s selling. You’re not a customer
-the word “Game” in Games Workshop encourages the misconception that games are its business, but that only about 20% of Games Workshop’s customers are gamers. The rest are modellers and collectors.
-Age of Sigmar is only in its third month, but in terms of other metrics, downloads and Sigmar themed magazine sales, management seems more than satisfied.
Check out the entire article below. Please remember that this is an opinion article
Games Workshop AGM: A relentless profit machine