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Last Chance on these two armies for Dark Age, painted by Dave Taylor! The raffle ends soon!

(this a reprint of the original article for the raffle)

The raffle is up now! Great chance to win a Dark Age army for very little(if you dont know these models are more than enough to play the game), and an opportunity to support Doctor's Without Borders. The best part is..... these were painted by Dave himself. So check these out, and don't forget to check out Dave's site as well. He donates a lot of time and effort to charity.

Follow this link to get in on this raffle.

Here is the announcement
I'm thrilled to be sharing some big news for the NOCF with you today.  One of our long-term goals has been to expand the Foundation's work into other conventions: Dave Taylor, working with CoolMiniOrNot, has achieved that goal with what we hope will be the first of many - and we're very excited to announce the following:

NOCF has joined forces with CoolMiniOrNot!  Our First Worldwide Online Raffle of 2016 is a one-month-only, limited ticket event for two Dark Age Forces - and the final drawing will take place at CMON Expo in Atlanta, Georgia (USA), on May 8, 2016. Need not be present to win; NOCF will ship anywhere on the planet with a deliverable address!

The Dark Age forces are up on the NOCF website ... sales will open at 12:01am tonight.



Great odds with only 300 tickets will be sold for each force!  The tickets are $5 each. The KRMulticase custom transports are on the way, one of NOCF's longest and most staunch sponsors. 

The online store requires a $10 purchase at checkout - we hope everyone will buy at least one chance on each force! Proceeds support Doctors Without Borders/Medecins Sans Frontieres.
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