The 9th Age is a stand alone game that has a lot of people, like myself, looking at it closely ready to build new armies. So with the rules out (and more to come), how about an extensive list of miniature companies that both publicly support the game, and others that have miniatures to check out for the game.
This is a great miniatures resource list.
The above pic is from Mierce Miniatures. I love a lot of their miniatures.
via T9A forums
The extensive list of model manufacturers
While playing a game of 9th Age is one of the greatest aspects of the hobby, there's one of equal importance: the miniatures themselves! The 9th Age doesn't create any models, and without models there wouldn't be a way to utilize these rules we've put so much time and energy into. That's why we have been working on an extensive list of model making companies and their websites for you to check out:
We hope that with this list, and the miniatures section on this site, you'll be able to fill any missing models for your collection, or get inspiration to start a new project. Companies and miniatures will continue to be added over time, so be sure to check back periodically for updates.
Happy Gaming,
"The 9th Age website is going to be in Maintenance Mode during the weekend and due to that only the Rules-Tab is going to be reachable.
Ammon Miniatures
Andrea Miniatures
Anima Tactics
Anti Matter Games
Ares Mythologic
Avatars of War
Ax Faction
Black Hat Miniatures
Black Scorpion Miniatures
Black Tree Design
Bombshell Miniatures
Brother Vinni
Bushido The Game
Corvus Corax Miniatures
CP Models
D&D Miniaturen
Dark Sword Miniatures
Enigma Miniatures
Figone (scale mostly not 28mm)
Freebooter Miniaturen
Games Workshop
Gamezone Miniatures
Gaspez-Arts (mostly football miniatures)
Golem Miniatures
Guild Ball
Guild of Harmony
Hasslefree Miniatures
Hazgaard Miniatures
Heresy Miniatures
Iron Kingdoms
Lead Adventure
MOM Miniaturas
Mad Puppet Miniatures
Magic Reality
Mantic Games
Maow Miniatures
Masquerade Miniaturen
Mindwork Games
Micro Art Studios
Mierce Miniatures
Mitosis Miniatures
Of Gods and Mortals
Origen Arts
Otherworld Miniatures
Raging Heros
Ral Partha
Reaper Miniatures
Red Box Games
Resina Planet
Rothand Studio
Russian Alternative
Scale 75
Schicksalspfade (DSA)
Scibor Monstrous Miniatures
Shieldwolf Miniatures
Siren Miniatures
Spellcrow Miniatures
Sphere Wars
Tabletop Art
Tabletop Miniatures Solutions
Tales Of War
Tercio Creativo
Tins Bits
Titan Forge
Titan Wargames
Tor Gaming
Twisted (Steampunk)
Ultraforge Miniatures
WW: Dwarf Wars
WW: Empire of the Dead
WW: Vampire Wars
Wargods (Crocodile Games)
Watchful I Studio
Werewoolf Miniatures
Willy Miniatures (mostly football miniatures)
Wrath Of Kings
Wyrd Miniatures
Zenit Miniatures (wide range of Japan/Asian Miniatures)