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Here is what is going on with the Genesys Project

The Genesys Project has really grown. Currently there are over 160 playtesters, many of which are active weekly with feedback, and 2,749 people that have shown interest in the game. That is quite a lot of interest, and it continues to grow.

One problem new games often find is how many people really want to play, and where are they. That will not be a concern, because there will be a player finder on the site. As it is, we have an anonymous world map up right now, showing the spread of playtesters across the world. This will eventually turn into a player finder for registered players that give permission to post contact information for games.

Going on now with the Genesys Project..........

  • Continuous Playtesting with Racial Builds and the Humanoid Primarius 1st Age
  • Preparing for the first round of Core Rules Printing within the next month or so
  • Getting the 2nd Age Humanoid Primarius ready for Open Beta by years end
  • Continuous feedback adjustments and clarifications with the rules. 
  • Bringing the next two Life Domains, Reptilia and Fey up to current beta rules.
  • A Species Builder App with an army builder to take your race from army book to game
  • Early work on the Customized Army Book, where your created race can turn into a customized book for you. 

Create a Faction: Build your Race Contest!
and of course.... Create a Faction Contest. Here you can get your racial build into the first starter set and build list for game demos. This will start next week, and again we will have more information coming on this next week when it starts up. 

Until then, now is a good time to register with the site to get your own product key to download the current beta rules for free. Get familiar with the Racial builder in the Humanoid Primarius so that next week you can submit your own entry. 

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