Beyond the Gates of Antares review by Steven Kenniff …
Leaked Images: Details for Skeleton Horde and Skaven Pestilens

Two new Start Collecting boxes are out this week for the Age of Sigmar, and while we had some prices for them earlier today, now we have them in English. Also confirmations on pricing and contents. Check out the latest pics!!! …
Next Week's Hints: Knights in Shining Armour
While personally I would be hoping that this meant that Brettonians would be making a return, however, I think it's safe to say that we are instead looking at a Stormcast Eternal release that has been hinted at in the rumors. …
Leaked Images show How to Ally Your Genestealer Cult

Genestealer Cults are literally their own faction. This we knew from early rumored bits, but now we know they exactly the same way as Tryanids do. So I presume they are able to ally with not only themselves, but Tyranids as well as battlebrothers. …
March and April Releases Updated

Additional details and updates let us know that there is a Stormcast Eternal release and something Khorne coming in March for the Age of Sigmar. It seems Orcs are more of a end of the month/ April release. …
2 New Start Collecting Sets and a New Battletome are Up This Week for Pre-Orders

It appears that Skaven and Skeleton Hordes are coming this week, with their own Start Collecting box set and the Skaven will also get a new Battletome. Check out the latest releases that we should be hearing much more about over the next couple days. …
What's On Your Table: Custom LED Terrain
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to Sorry for the out of chronological order photos. Some sludge factory made with soda cans, balsa wood and the rafters are some cut up microchip trays I found at the office. I wired a series of 3 LED's with a 200oh…
Community News: Chaos Daemons vs White Scars Batrep

Full Length Battle Report #46 Chaos Daemons vs. White Scars by Frontline Gaming …
What's On Your Table: Eldar Corsairs
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to Putting my corsair progress out there for the readers. Just got the mymeara book delivered yesterday, so I'm excited to read through the rules on these guys. …
Genestealer Cult 40k Rules!
Rules for playing the Genestealer Cults have been leaked and are going everywhere at the moment. So here is a few links to where you can find them. …
The Battle for Vedros Starter Sets and Pricing: 40k for Kids
The Battle for Vedros Full Starter set is all push click fit models that include a dreadnought, deffkopta etc. There are several additional packs that you can pick up as well. These are all going into Toy Stores and hobby retails around the US and Canada. There are a few other interesting things th…
Chaos Repacks, Orruks/ Destruction and More.

More information on when and what the new Grand Alliance Destruction will be. Accordingly the release will start in late March and go into April. No worries though for Age of Sigmar fans, there is something coming in the meantime..... some Chaos repacks. …
Dark Age.....February Releases- Saint Luke Mounted and more.
Dark Age's February releases are here, and while it is only a couple models, they are some fantastic ones. Check out the latest for releases for Dark Age! …
March Age of Sigmar- More Destruction
Next week is expected more Deathwatch Overkill in the next White Dwarf, as we have already seen the leaked 40k rules for the Genestealer Cults. However, the week after, its all up for grabs, as we don't know if 40k will be up next, of if the Age of Sigmar will take over. …
What's On Your Table: Horus Heresy Imperial Fists

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to First I would like to say I really enjoy the "What's on Your Table" Segments. I can't speak for others but they're one of my favorite parts of the site. Always a great way to help derive ideas and techniques for …
What's On Your Table: Scratchbuit/Converted Ork Warboss

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to Ork Warboss conversion/scratchbuilt …
Genestealer Cult Flashback... 1989

These are always fun to see, and neilasaurus had linked these up in the comment section. I am sure there are lots of people interested in seeing these that don't venture into the comment sections. Very cool. I know a lot of people are interested to see where these guys came from. …
Deathwatch: Overkill Reports are Coming In. A Look at the Game

The board game costs $165 USD, and with it comes over 50 models of Deathwatch and Genestealer Cults. This alone seems like a good deal, but really..... how is the game? After all I am a board gamer as well... and I want to know if I am going to actually want to play it. …
Rumors: New Releases in March

Orcs and Goblins are next up in the Destruction Alliance book for the Age of Sigmar. There is a lot of concern about Ogres, but until we hear something, Im not considering them going anywhere. For now though, we are being told that we will get new kits in March. I am going to assume that means not …
What's On Your Table: Betrayal at Calth Contemptor Dreadnought

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to Long time reader, first time contributor. Just recently completed the Betrayal at Calth contemptor dreadnought as an Emperor’s Children. Everything's hand painted with non-metallic metals using standard GW paints…
What's On Your Table: Bretonnia Damsel and Variant Questing Knight

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to Just in time for Bretonnia to meet the same fate as the Tomb Kings…??? 6th edition mounted Damsel on a i) 5th edition Fay Enchantress unicorn and ii) a 5th edition grail knight hero horse (lion holding grail). …
Deathwatch Overkill Playthrough and Release Video
Deathwatch Overkill is now available for pre-orders in Australia and New Zealand allowing us to get a first glimpse of the game and the new videos Games Workshop is putting up!. A release video along with a full playthrough. …
Ork Painmob: Orks Start Collecting Formation

The Ork Painmob sounds fantastic, unless of course you are fighting against it!. Check out the Ork formation that comes with the Start Collecting Orks new box set.. that goes live tomorrow. …
First Impressions of the Ork "Decurion" Style Detachment

Hey everyone, Reecius here from Frontline Gaming to discuss the new Ork Great WAAAGH!-Band detachment after having played it. Be sure to check out our Tactics Corner for more great articles! The Orks got some love from GW in the updated WAAGH! Ghazghkull supplement. In addition to some new formatio…
Warhammer 40,000 Assault Dice Now on Andriod!
Warhammer 40,000 Assault Dice has just been released to Andriod, for a cost of $.99. So if you have been waiting for it to reach your Android mobile device, your all set to go. …
Horus Heresy 30k, and 40k Intel for April/ May
Soon, many releases will be getting new labels for 30k and 40k. The Horus Heresy becoming much more mainstreamed has been a topic here on Faeit 212 for a real long time. Squiggly has come in with the latest information on what we will be seeing regarding the Horus Heresy and the Betrayal of Calth r…
New Ghazghkull Leaks, and Digital Updates!

There are a couple new leaks out now for the Waagh Ghazghkull Codex Supplement coming this weekend. There are some that are revealing new flyer formations, and two for Ghazghkull that are not really all that new. Also the digital versions of Farsight and Ghazghkull appears to have received updates…
What's On Your Table: Adeptus Mechanicus - Skitarii
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to I was so pleased with the way these came out that I thought I would share these pictures.(sorry about the varying light quality!) …
Horus Heresy Range About to Expand

Horus Heresy range Will be starting up this April and May, with boxes labeled 30k and 40k. Additional information on how the Mechanicum will carry over into the new range as well. …
Community News Batle Report: 1500pts Space Wolves vs Salamanders
The Basement Collective features another batrep with 1500pts of Space Wolves vs Salamanders. You can see more battle reports and community features on the Faeit 212 Community News site. …
Talisman; The Horus Heresy is Live
Talisman: The Horus Heresy is live now, released Monday on Steam. Ive played the game and it's a lot of fun, especially if you get the chance to sit down with a bunch of friends to play. Check out the latest videos and release information for Talisman: the Horus Heresy …
Genestealer Cult and Deathwatch Datasheets Will be On the GW Website

I had read this, but apparently missed that the datasheets will be available for people to get on the GW website! This reveals that the miniatures can be used in a regular Tyranid army, or any Space Marine Chapter. Free datasheets! Im there. …
Good Overview of Deathwatch Overkill
As the official release information is not out yet, here is a overview of Deathwatch Overkill from the comment section here on Faeit 212. There is a little information in here, but at the very least has a good look at what we are seeing for pre-orders this weekend. …
Leaked Images: 40k Rules for Patriarch Ghosar and The Favored Disciples
Leaked images are out for the Genestealer Cults, showing two good images of the Patriarch and rules for first and second generation hybrids. As for as 40k is goes, they appear just "meh", with nothing that really seems to stand out or feel unique about this new faction. Of course I will keep my min…
Destruction Grand Alliance: Orcs and Goblins Up Next

The next installment for the Age of Sigmar is looking going to be the Destruction Grand Alliance with Orcs and Goblins taking center stage according to the latest whispers. …
Tabletop Tyrant Companion Skirmish Case and Foam

Tabletop Tyrant has a new case and foam coming, being launched by an already successful kickstarter. Tabletop Tyrant makes very affordable cases, and I have several that I have used for several years now. I have other cases as well, ie Battlefoam, KR Multi-Cases, and even a couple GW cases. What I …
Deathwatch Overkill: Gameplay Leaks

Operation Killstorm is the first mission in Deathwatch: Overkill. Here you can see the leaks in English and take a look at the board and how the game plays. Thus far with a good selection of models, it seems this Deathwatch Overkill very much could be a intro step into 40k. The rules should be very…
In English: Deathwatch 40k Rules Leaked Images + Alien Infiltration Next Week!!!!
This set of images are in English, which makes it much easier for us lacking extra language skills (I am working on changing on that). These images show the latest images out of White Dwarf, revealing the 40k rules for Deathwatch in detail. …
What's On Your Table: Horus Heresy Conversions
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to Long time reader, first time poster here! A friend (Jakk) and I are super into The Horus Heresy right now and our fledgling armies needed some leading (guess the Legions!), so we both decided to convert up some P…
Increased Firepower from Forgeworld

Forgeworld yesterday gave us some sneak previews of new some underslung heavy weapons coming soon. …
Updated: Deathwatch 40k Rules Leaked.

The rules for the upcoming Deathwatch Overkill models are coming to 40k, and they have been leaked! So check out the latest pics. …
Free Deathwatch- Tyranid Invasion Promotion

It was sent in this morning that there is a promotion going on this week making Warhammer 40,000 Deathwatch- Tyrananid Invasion free. Looks like a good lead in for the Deathwatch Overkill coming on Saturday. …
What's On Your Table: Pictures for Inspiration

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to I just thought I'd share some inspirational pictures of some of our miniatures and terrain. We've been playing, painting and modelling together for 15 years now and this is some of the stuff we've come up with so…
Winsor & Newton Series 7 Brush Gift Set

Remember these? Yea, not happening, and it's too bad. Anyhow here is the notice that many of us were hoping we would not see. Personally it was a cheap way out of the deal, instead of just coming out and saying that they made a mistake on the price.…
Shieldmaiden Miniatures Funded, with new stretch goals.

Several new updates, and completely funded, the 16 day kickstarter from Shieldwolf miniatures is underway now. There are only 10 days to go and several updates include Icebear and rider, new heads, and more. check out the latest …
Titan Comics takes on Warhammer 40,000

ComicPro here in rainy Portland revealed that Titan Comics will be publishing a new comics based on Warhammer 40,000. The official press release was a couple days ago, and it has been one of those things on my back burner, since comics are not normally something that catches my interest. Although s…