What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com Hi Nafka, thought I would send you the full fledged collection of my IG Army that you guys helped to finish. A couple of years ago I had you help me get my vehicles painted to accompany my already finished IG inf…
What's On Your Table: Imperial Knight Cerastus
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com I am submitting a What's On Your Table request for my newly completed Imperial Knight. I have submitted 8 images, but the full album of images for this knight is available here, should you wish to use others. htt…
Presence of Faeit: Age of Tyrants, Curse of the Wulfen, and Thank You

There has been a lot of hype about the new Space Wolves coming. Its been big and the new Wulfen units are extremely strong and powerful according the rules we have seen so far. Please remember that Presence of Faeit is an editorial and today will be brief. (I am up on the Mount Hood snowshoeing th…
New GW Licensing Products
You will definitely find this interesting and may even like the journals (like I did). Dreams Away Spiritual Gifts has a page of Warhammer 40k coffee mugs, pillows and more on their site. Its an interesting direction for the GW License and these are officially licensed products. …
What's On Your Table: Be'lakor
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com here goes my best Be'lakor …
What's On Your Table: 3 Daemon Princes

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com I send my three princes demons and finished excuse the quality of the photos are with mobile. I hope you like them. …
What's On Your Table: Space Wolves

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com Salutations from the Fang! Thought I'd share some of my Space Wolves Pre-heresy veterans. Hope you and your readers like them. …
Age of Tyrants
Age of Tyrants is a new game that is currently funded on Kickstarter, and looks very interesting. It already is funded, and uses combined forces in order to get the most out of your units. The game is 6mm and looks like a ton of fun. Ill be watching this one. …
Balance of Power- The Realmgate Wars 2 Pre-Orders and Video

The large book, Balance of Power is out now for Pre-orders, along with a ton of repacks. I will admit that I really like the model selection for Lord Heldrath's Chaos Deathtide. I've always been a fan of chariots, horsemen, and knights. …
Faeit 212- Update

Comment Sections Last week we instituted a new comment system on the site, and it looks like its going to stay. There has been some hesitation on some fronts, but that is normal, and overall the system has gone off without a hitch, with very few problems and a lot of positives. On the other side of…
What's On Your Table: Master Seraph- Order of the Obsidian Blade
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com Here is the first model in my latest home-brew chapter project. Presenting Master Seraph, 6th Brotherhood, Order of the Obsidian Blade. …
What's On Your Table: Death Guard Legion Rhino

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com My Nurgle rhino #1 (of 3). …
Cadian Battle Group Tactics Part 8: Psykana Division

Hey everyone, Reecius here with another Astra Militarum review! This time: Psykana Division. For more informative articles, check out the Tactics Corner. While the Imperium tends to fear and shun Psykers (for good reason) those strong enough to master their powers prove useful assets on the battlef…
Space Wolf Hype!

Space Wolves are about to hit next weekend with pre-orders and Curse of the Wulfen. It sounds like it is going to be a blast, as we return to Warhammer 40k. …
Alpha Legion Headhunter Kill Team and Cataphractii Terminator Upgrades

Forgeworld is just releasing the upgrade kits that we saw on Monday for the Alpha Legion Headhunter Kill Teams. These are some cool upgrade sets. Alongside them are some Cataphractii Terminator upgrade kits. …
What's On Your Table: Imperial Knight and More

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com Hi wanted to show some off my miniatures. Dunno if they're good compared to other people models. …
Curse of the Wulfen- Additional Pics

Its often hard to translate all the different languages that the leaks are coming in, and the latest set of them are in German. Many of these pics we have seen before, but there are a couple to take a look at, although I was not able to get much out of them. …
The Grand Chaos Alliance Book In Hand

This is interesting and I wanted to pass this one to the readers here on Faeit 212. A reader has the Grand Alliance book in hand, and here are some first impressions. …
Bloodbowl New Edition in 2017 Announced

Tiny Plastic Spacemen took the above picture at the Nurnberg Toy Fair in Germany going on over the last few days. Although it was revealed that Blood Bowl was indeed on the list to get new models and hopefully a new edition, Games Workshop let the cat out of the bag. …
SN Battle Reports- No Retreat
Dropfleet Commander Update!!!

Here is the latest Dropfleet Commander update from Hawk Wargames. Things are moving along quickly, and it looks like we will be seeing a lot from them here shortly. …
Nurnberg Toy Fair in Germany- 40k Build+Paint and New Blood Bowl Miniatures

This is very interesting and interesting, as it appears that Games Workshop is trying to expand into other hobby stores and markets. It will be interesting what that will mean, but the Nurnberg Toy Fair in Germany was apparently the place to be today. …
Leaked Images: Curse of the Wulfen, New Daemon Rules, Wargear and More

New leaked images from next week's White Dwarf are making their rounds, and as of right now I do not have translations from German into English. However, we do have the most current information below looking at the Curse of the Wulfen special rule, and it definitely looks like it is going to be nas…
Bloodbowl Returns

Yesterday, Warhammer World sent out in it's newsletter the announcement that Blood Bowl was was going to be featured in an upcoming event, The Bugman’s XXXXXX League Cup. While exciting that Blood Bowl is going to be played there, it was also disappointing reading through the announcement, which is…
The Wulfen: Additional Translations from German

Yesterday we had the rules for the Wulfen revealed in German with translations into English. However, what we had translated was not the whole story, as there was some background as well. This is the rest of the story...... …
What's On Your Table: Alpha Legion

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com This is my alpha legion so far. I've decided to run joint mechanicus as their units are to fun to pass up. The knight was a good excuse to pour some detail into a model. I've allready got 2 more contemptors, 12 t…
What's On Your Table:Sisters of Battle

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com Just wanted to show the progress of my Sisters of Battle, Order of our Martyred Lady, decided to go with the classic theme here. They are really fun to paint as the models are very unique, and its fun to paint on…
Final Voting for the 2015 Gaming Awards

The final voting on the 2015 Gaming Awards is going on now over on Beasts of War. Warren runs this every year, and there are some interesting choices up for 2015. So head over, and see what your fellow gamers and claiming are the best for 2015. …
Slaves to Darkness- additional pics are out
While everything has been hit by the crazed Wulfen, they are still not coming to pre-order until next week. Until then we have the Slaves to Darkness, and more images are out now, giving us a better look at what to expect coming out of this weekend's White Dwarf. …
Battlefleet Gothic: Armada Pre-Orders and a New Trailer

Battlefleet Gothic: Armada is now up for pre-orders, and has a new Narrative Campaign Trailer up to see. I personally like watching the in-game footage much better, and I am excited for this game to come out. It should be soon, as I still have the press release dates for Q1 of this year. You can be…
Updated: The Wulfen Rules- German Leaked Images, Translated for Us!

Leaked images from next week's White Dwarf are flying around this morning, and even tracking down where they come from takes time when they are everywhere. So here is the latest leaked images, which are in German. Luckily for us, a reader has already sent us a translation, so that we can check them…
What's On Your Table: 30k Thousand Sons

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com Hey Natfka. Thank you so much for posting my Thousand Sons a while back. I wanted to share with you my progress. I've completed almost the entire army. I'm currently working on some javelin speeders a spartan and…
An Alliance Forms for the Benefit of All Mankind

One of the most exciting things, and really the biggest benefits of running a site like this, is that I have the opportunity to meet and talk to some really great people that are deeply involved with the hobby. There are a lot of great people in this hobby, and I have met many of them in person, an…
What's On Your Table: Tau - XV95 Ghostkeel Battlesuit.
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com I did a test with some Stealth Suits a week ago and liked the result so I went with it on there big brother. Incredibly fun kit, and I was relearning how to paint gems and refined decal adherence for him as well…
Another Games Workshop Job Opening

Games Workshop has another job opening, and with that some insight into what is being worked on. This one is interesting as it is specifically for Middle Earth miniature design. The Forgeworld Studio is mentioned as the location for the work. …
Alpha Legion Headhunters
Leaked Images are making it look like Forgeworld is releasing new resin upgrades for Alpha Legion. As we have been seeing, these are upgrades that can be used for both the normal Forgeworld and Betrayal at Calth Miniatures. Very nice. …
Eternal Crusade New in-Game Trailer and Announcements Playstation, Xbox and More
Bandai Namco Entertainment is the publisher for the game, as was announced earlier today. Also in the announcement is that the Eternal Crusade will available later in the year for PlayStation® 4, Xbox One system, and Steam for PC. …
A Look at Balance of Power Campaign book.

A lot of this coming weekend's White Dwarf has been shown, but a couple more images have appeared with more details for the Balance of Power Campaign book for the Age of Sigmar. AoS fans will want to check this out to get a good idea of what factions will be involved in the new campaign book. …
What's On Your Table: The Gaunt Summoner

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com I couldn't resist picking this guy up when he came out a few weeks ago. The Pan's Labyrinth feel was irresistible. I used GW's paint scheme because I thought it did the job pretty well (all paints are Vallejo Gam…
What's On Your Table: Nurgle Knight
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com I have some nurgle conversitions, today i finished my nurgle Knight, i Hope you like it! …
Additional Leaked Images- Lots or Repacks this Week

There are a couple more leaked images out on the Bols Lounge showing the new repacked boxes and a new bundle. This mostly looks like round bases for the Grand Alliance Chaos. …
Chaos Models with a Last Chance to Buy
With the Grand Alliance Chaos coming to the Age of Sigmar and the releases moving to 40k for the next week or so, there are a few more Chaos Miniatures that may be getting updates. These miniatures are listed on the GW webstore as a Last Chance to Buy. …
The Horus Heresy Book 6- Retribution

It looks like we are about get the next Horus Heresy book from Forgeworld titled Retribution. It will be available at the Horus Heresy Weekender which happens February 6 and 7th, so get there early if you already have tickets. If you dont have your tickets.... well the event is sold out. …
What's On Your Table: Demonkin
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send in up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com Just finished this for my Demonkin. …
What's On Your Table: Horus Heresy Thousand Sons Test
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send in up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com Hey, figured I'd share my latest experimentation with Tamiya Clear Red (which may be more well know as 'the stuff you use to make blood effects'). …
The Genesys Project- Progress, and Some Details.

While it seems quiet on the Genesys front, it is far from that. The Genesys Project currently has a couple very active solid testers working through the rules. There is editing going on (because really I should of paid more attention in writing class), and rules are being clarified re-organized, an…
Leaked Images- Next Releases, White Dwarf Cover, Next Campaign Book -Balance of Power

So what is on the horizon this coming week, a new Campaign book called the "Balance of Power" and a whole bunch of repacks. Definitely a lot here, including some Chariots that I might need to pick up! Looking forward to seeing more as we get more information on what is coming, (especially for the f…