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from Baphominiatures
BaphoMiniatures Winter Charity Raffle

Baphominiatures is happy to present its second charity raffle of 2016. This time the army is an army of one - a fully painted Forgeworld Mars-Alpha Pattern Warlord titan.

The Summer Charity Army was able to raise nearly 6k for St. Jude's Childrens Hospital, and we are hoping to blow that amount out of the water this time. Every $10 donation to Doctors Without Borders enters you for a chance to win the Warlord, and you can enter multiple times. There is also a side raffle for those who are able to donate more: Every $50 donation also enters you into the raffle (5x regular entries and 1 side entry) for an Imperial Knight painted in the same scheme as the Warlord.

As always, we will ship internationally free of charge to the winner. The winner will be announced via video on December 25th.

For a full gallery of pictures, visit

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