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Here it is...a special tribute to a decade of the Horus Heresy phenomenon from Horus Rising published in 2006 to this, Christmas week of 2016! This labor of love took Kenny over 30 hours in total to plan, record, edit and prepare but we bring 22 brief interviews with the authors from Black Library themselves, and from around the world podcasters, fans, painters and designers to reflect upon the juggernaut that is the Horus Heresy and celebrate! This massive episode is over 8 hours long, but SO WORTH IT! Below are the guests in order and at least one form of contact information to follow further (more given in the interview). 

OK, splitting into 2-part option as well but the single file is below
Ep 176 - Reflections on a Decade of the Horus Heresy Megasode

We're off next week and will be back in early January. Happy Holidays to all and thanks for the continued support as always!! 

1. Surprise guest!
2. The Imperial Truth podcast  @imperial_truth
3. Laurie Goulding  @laurieGoulding
5. Gav Thorpe  @dennishamster
6. Eye of Horus podcast @eyeofhoruspod
7. Phil Kelly 
9. John French @johnshfrenhc 
10. Neil Roberts  @skinnyelbows
11. Radio Free Isstvan podcast  30ktv.twitch
12. The Good Half of Heritor A  @heritorA
13. David Annandale  @david_annandale
15. Nick Kyme  @nickkyme
16. The Geno Five Two podcast  @genofivetwopod
17. Dark Chaplain @thedarkchaplain
18. Graham McNeill  @grahammcneill
20. Peter Wisniewski  @ngc40K
21. Guy Haley @guyhaley

22. Aaron Dembski-Bowden  @adembskibowden

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