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The Age of Sigmar and The Hobbit Strategy Battle Game have updated FAQ's this morning.

Age of Sigmar
via Warhammer Community

Good news Warhammer Age of Sigmar gamers,
The FAQ for the game has just been updated.
The new answers cover a few common questions and rules conundrum. There are no major game changers, but a few things get sorted out.
Some of the key points covered include deployment of Sylvaneth Wyldwoods, releasing Moonclan Fanatics, and clarification on a few rules from the General’s Handbook.

You can download them all below.
The Rules:
Under Construction – Will be back in working order shortly.

The General’s Handbook:

Grand Alliance Order:

Grand Alliance Chaos:

Grand Alliance Destruction:

Grand Alliance Death:

The Hobbit Strategy Battle Game
via Warhammer Community

There are new updates for The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey™ rules manual as well as for all five of The Lord of the Rings™ sourcebooks.

The Middle-earth™ team have been hard at work answering many of the burning questions that have been present within the community since the last update.

To find out exactly what has changed, click the links below to download the new FAQs.

The Rules Manual:

Kingdoms of Men:

Free Peoples:

Fallen Realms:


Moria & Angmar:

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