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What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to

Been ghosting your site as always and loving all the stuff for 40k that is coming our way. Not to mention dropfleet commander.

It has been a while and I thought I would update you on the progress of my corsairs, see a link on what you have posted for me before.

first off I have added some little bits of green stuff for vent intakes and blisters.
The good thing is with the wings and heads at different angels it takes away from the fact they are all in the same stance lol.

I have progressed well in the long run and have gotten a test squad created and painted. I have gone for the main colours as it matches my Craftworld and this means I can use their tanks and save lots of money, the helmets I have gone for a gold visor like a on fighter pilots helmets to protect from sun glare and weapons fire flash.

I have also redone my corsairs heavy weapons and had them 3D printed.
I created the 3D stuff on AutoCAD that I use at work but there are lots of free 3D programs out there.
I used a site called 3D hub and they give you lots of options of people to use. it’s all a bit much to get your head round but I went with resin as I felt it was the best material for a good finish to cost ratio. I selected a company called lightning laps and they were very helpful and gave me lots of good advice and a very good price as well.
Kind of wish I had done the wings and jetpacks this way.
Not everything came out as well as I might have hoped but that is more to me not really having much of an idea of what I am doing lol.

I have only just finished one test scheme for the heavy weapons but you will get the idea and I still have to work out what I am doing for the bases but that might be an article in itself.
There are two types of heavy weapon trooper and this one is the HMG chap. The other set of 10 who I am building at the moment are the anti-tank chaps.

Anyway I hope you enjoy them and get some inspiration to try it yourself.


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